~Chapter 11~

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(Noahs POV)

Ugh I have the WORST headache in the history of headaches. Dammit why did I have to run down the stairs? Oh yeah because my stupid sister had to yell out 'SAM' with a worrying voice! I wonder what happened to.....

"SAM" I yell sitting straight up, I scan my empty bedroom, hoping to see the face of my beautiful mate. Narda, nothing, no one, I suddenly feel lonely like no one cares for me. 'Why the hell would anyone care for you, know what? Even though I love her I still think she doesn't deserve you, you're a downright heartbreaker, she thought that you liked her and you went and kissed Katie, ya know you are really stupid?' my wolf yells at me.

'Yeah, I know I am' I tell him back not putting up a fight. My door creaks open letting me see the cold hearted girl I never wanted to see again after she kissed me in front of Sam the other day; she knew my weak points in kissing, for god's sake. "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SHOW YOUR FACE IN MY ROOM KATIE GET OUT" my voice rises an octave as I yell at her, she still walks over to my bed to sit down.

"Gee I don't know Noah, you fell down a flight of stairs and landed your big fat head on the cold hard tiles, so tell me why would I be in here do you think?" she smirks playfully but I am not in the mood for her little sarcastic statements.

"Ummm I don't know, is it to annoy me like you have for let me see" I put my finger to my chin in a thinking way and say "5 to 10 years maybe" I glare at her and let me tell you if looks could kill she'd be dead right about now.

"Noah, what happened to us baby" she says in a whinny voice.

"Hmmm, I don't know Katie is it, YOU SLEPT WITH ONE OF MY BEST MATES" I shout out at her again my eyebrows scrunching in to a hard line above my eyes. "Oh and don't you even dare call me baby, if you ever say anything like that to me again, trust me, I'll give you a cardboard box to sleep in for the rest of your life outa this pack, I promise" I fold my arms across what seemed to be a sapphire blue V neck t-shirt.

"Ohmigosh, that was one time and I didn't even like it and can you guess I was drunk from one of your freaking parties numb brains and I said SORRY but I guess you don't even know what that means!" she yells thrashing her arms in the air to prove her point but I was not buying her words ever again.

"You need to leave now, and I mean NOW" I point in the direction of the door.

"REALLY, I mean, what has Sam got on me and Noah Jones it's definitely not looks, look at me I'm HOT for god's sake!" She screams in my face.

"Do you really wanna know Katie?" I ask sickly sweetly,

"Oh course I flipping do you RETARD!" she screams,

"Ok you asked for it, she's my MATE, she doesn't scream in my face, she's kind to everyone even the ones she doesn't like someone that I'm looking at right now, she tries to find the kindness in people and not look for the blonde bimbos in them and yeah she is the most BEAUTIFUL person I have ever met, inside and out" I tell Katie who is now staring at me like I have lost my mind and grown two heads in the process.

"Ohmigosh, you actually like her, Ohmigosh NO, you're in LOVE with her and you have never actually been together!" she screams at me whilst a tear is rolling down her cheek, like she actually cares who I like or love.

"Why the hell would you care Katie? And of course I love her she is my mate Dammit, why don't you get that?" I ask,

"No why is....Why are you so in love with her and not me anymore babe? We are-were like mates" she actually looks hurt, ha; Katie is upset over a guy, that's weird.

"Ahhh let me see, I don't think I should be talking to you right now, you have no business in my answer so shove it off, there's the door use it Katie oh and before you go look at my face because you'll never be seeing it again" I state whilst pointing to the door for the last time tonight. Her face changes into something I have never ever seen in my whole life of knowing her, a murderous smile that sends a shiver down my spine.

"You better watch it hot stuff and BTW keep your 'little pet Sam' near at all times cause you are gonna find out what happens to people who mess with me!" she whispers as she slowly backs out the door and leaves me in a shocked form. 'Holy crap she is one freaky chick, man where is Sam get her here now you heard Katie, she's gonna do something to her' my wolf starts to sound scared.

'Yeah I'm gonna go find her now' I tell him back so he will calm down. I start to get up off the bed but tumble to the ground instead; crap I must have hurt my leg when I fell down the stairs.

"Noah?" a sweet sounding voice comes from above me. When I look up I get lost in them pure grass green eyes of...Sam's.


I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I just want to let you know that chapters might not be updated ever so frequently so don't get your hopes up when you update your library ok? Anyway I just want to ask if anyone reads these could you comment and say... Werewolves! ...it'll be cool if you do thanks <3DONT FORGET TO VOTE, FAN, COMMENT AND DROP IN BOOK NAMES!

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