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" Hi. I'm Kim Nana. Hope we all can get along well. "

Nana bowed.

" Please take your seat in front of Jeon Jungkook. "

She nodded and sit at her place. She took out her books and give fully attention to the teacher in front.

" Hey new student. Behind you. "

The boy poked her back with a pencil thrice.

" Yah don't disturb me! I'm studying can't you see?!"

Nana turn around and yelled at him.

"Mr. Jeon, Miss Kim detention after school for two hours."

She pointed at both of em.

"B-but madam, he-"

"Plus another one hour. Class dismiss."

The teacher left.

"On my very first day, really? Darn you Jeon Jungkook!"

She slammed his table and head out to her locker.

"Wow, she's fierce. Emm...
I like her."

Jungkook grabbed his bag and go meet with his members at the field.



I walked in the classroom and saw Nana reading a book. I sit beside her and put on my earbuds, listening to the music.

" Where's Madam Lee? "

I asked her.

" I'm not her guardian. Asked herself. "

She replied without looked at me.

I grabbed the book and put it aside.

" Hey you. Give it back! "

She tried to take her book back.

" No until you said sorry. You're being rude, girl. "

I said to her.

" Sorry? To you? Never! You're the one who need this stupid detention, not me.
I'm leaving! "

Nana grabbed her bag and walked out from the classroom with an angry face.

" I think...I started liked her more."

I smiled like an idiot there alone.


Heyya readers. I've started writing this story. If you guys think this story is interesting, please voted.

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