Act 1: Part 5

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Ryan had, most uncomfortably wedged himself in a tree for the night to stay safe. He awoke with a kink in his neck and his legs were asleep. He carefully lowered himself to the ground as pins and needles shot up his lower limbs. He groaned stiffly at standing on them. For Ryan to reach the middle was going to be a lot harder.

Mountains rose up tall and white caped,they stood between him and his goal. He stretched his aching muscles before picking up his long sword, it was bent up ward at the tip and double edged. It had a comfortable leather handle and a the actual blade was gold. It was covered in blood and he whipped it in the grass, his kilt and shirt had splotches on it too.

Having little to no remorse he'd slain a cow and had a nice dinner for himself. It made him wonder about how his friends were doing out in this extreme wilderness. He wasn't super worried worried about his fellow Gents, more about team Lads. They were, after all just Lads. 

Ryan figured that Michael was most likely alright, the jersey boy could hold his own. He looked down at his map, Michael was facing Gavin. Centered at the middle of the map.

Ryan couldn't forget his dream last night, he'd been dressed in purple. All of his surroundings had been purple as well, He'd been in a large tower, when he looked outside he could have sworn Michael was floating next to another tower. The ground made of purple spikes shaped like buildings, Ryan had lay ed back in his bed in confusion. as soon as his head hit the lavender pillow that he'd first awoken on he was yet again awake, but this time in a tree. 

Why had Michael been there? what was up with all the purple? Lost in thought Ryan's boot plunged into he snow, he cursed aloud at the cold sensation. Good news was he was over the mountain and looking down at the beautiful valley. 

"wow" He breathed out, a white cloud of warm air spewed upwards from his lips as the words fell.  Ryan       could see a house forming in the center of the valley, he looked down at his map. Sure enough, Jack's blue arrow was next to michael's orange one. 

Ryan looked up again, off to the right was desert. Currently where Geoff was. Forest covered the land beyond the house, Gavin's whereabouts. Dense jungle spread out next to that, The jersey boy's original direction. From Ryan's point of view he could see a river running through the ocean to his direct left, Ray's position. 

A chill ran down his spine as he looked around, It was below freezing on the peak. Breathtaking none the less, He made a point of pulling out his phone and capturing the seen before him. With a couple pictures he began his trek down the hillside. 

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