Act 6 Part 1

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Intermission over

==> continue


Michael opened his eyes, god it was bright on Prospit.

"Michael!" He heard Gavin call to him. "Isn't it beautiful?" He let his eyes adjust, pushing his glasses up his nose. Ice blue sky with white puffy clouds met him.

"It sure is Gav" He turned his head to the Britt, who was smiling wide. His purple outfit felt out of place in the bright yellow world bellow and around him. "Are we all alone?" Michael asked as he looked around.

"Everyone else is on Derse" Gavin nodded. Michael smiled, all alone with Gavin Free. "I know what your thinking Michael Jones" Gavin giggled.

"What?" Gavin only bounced his eyebrows in-response, Michael laughed. "No, i was thinking we could just watch the clouds and enjoy each other." Gavin blushed at the words, and nodded. 

"Sounds lovely, my little Micool" Michael took the man's hand lightly in his, tangling their fingers together. He felt his heart flutter slightly as Gavin moved his thumb over his in slow circles.

"You've no idea how long i've waited to hold your hand" Michael sat on the window sill, Gavin sat in his lap. Back facing him, Michael wrapped his arms around the Britt. 

"You've know idea how long I've waited, Micool. long before you and Lindsey."

"Wow, you have been waiting" Michael rested his chin on the man's shoulder.

"Longer than you'll ever know" Gavin smiled, Michael felt the man lace their fingers together. He kissed the Britt's neck lovingly. "You know, i had no idea you could be this nice Michael"

"How so?"

"Well your never very nice, but its like a soft side of you opens up to the people you love. You date some one and your just the sweetest"

"I aim to please" Michael smiled, Gavin laughed lightly. "I love you"

"I love you too, Micool" They sat like that just watching the clouds for what seemed like forever. Michael never really wanted it to end, they were safe here. Out in the real world he ran the risk of losing the only thing he really cared about anymore.

"I'm waking up" Gavin interrupted his thoughts.

"I'll be there when you do" Michael answered, Gavin's eyes closed and he fell back into Michael's arms. He lifted the man up and placed him in the bed. He knew it didn't matter if the man was on a windowsill or in bed but he couldn't just leave the man. He soon felt hands on his and his eyes snapped open.

"Michael, wake up!" Ray shook him.

"Whats going on?!" He sat up, Gavin was already up and moving.

"We found it" Ray pulled him up. Michael's heart dropped slightly, suddenly not wanting to do what he'd agreed to. Gavin looked as though he'd seen a ghost, his hands were shaking.

"It'll be okay" Michael took one of the Brit's shaking hands "I got you" 

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