Act 2: Part 1

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Intermission 1 over ==> continue


In all honesty Michael's worry's were on Gavin. It wasn't Gay! really it wasn't, but that wa the denial part of his brain talking. He just knew Gavin wasn't the strongest of there little team.

Footsteps crunched out-side on the gravel, Michael stood and rushed out to the front. "Gavin!?"

Ray looked wide eyes at Michael "No?" he completed his unfinished step carefully.

"Do you know where he is?"

"One, nice to see you by the was. asshole. Two, how the fuck should i know. Three, Oh My God!" Realization spread over is face.

"what? I'm just worried about him!"

"Uh Huh?" Ray had the smuggest grin on his face "you like Gavin don't you, Michael" The grin faded as he looked slightly down "Dude, the fuck are your pants?" Michael couldn't help but laugh.

"Good to see you too, Ray" Michael hugged his friend as Ryan and Jack came outside. The trees to Michael's right rustled and as quick as lighting Michael had drawn his sword. It was crafted with diamonds, small towards the hilt, wider towards the middle, and small at the tip which was sharpened finely. It looked like an oversized butter knife, but much sharper and threatening. 

Everyone was read for the approaching enemy, axes and swords wielded. Gavin crashed through the bushed.

"Jesus Christ, Gavin! we could hear you a mile away!" Ryan lowered his golden sword.

"uh, sorry" The bright righted himself trying not to fall on his nose.

"I was worried sick!" Michael hugged Gavin, resting his chin on the taller man's shoulder.

"where are your trousers Micool?" Gavin hugged back, laughing. 

Michael laughed "I missed my boi"

"Missed you too, micool" Gavin smiled warmly.

"where's Geoff?" Jack interjected.

"no idea' Gavin shrugged, Ray to a quick look around.

"Yo, suns going down" Everyone looked up to the sun, a third of the way across the sky.

"Geoff's not dumb guys, he'll make it" Ryan shrugged, Michael couldn't help but stare at  Gavin. He could feel his cheeks heat up slightly. Gavin turned from the conversation to smile down at him sweetly.

"Did you really miss me?" He asked.

"Of course, team nice dynamite has to keep going dude!" Michael smirked lightly, Ray winked at him from their little circle. He only rolled his eyes at the puerto rican.

"Hello?!" some one called out in the forest.

"Geoff!?" Gavin spun around as the man emerged , accompanied by a blonde girl.

"Hey guys, sorry i'm late! Picked up some extra baggage."

"Hello!" She chimed, her Swedish accent thick. "my names Karane!"

"And what lovely baggage she is" Ray cooed, holding out his hand. "Names Ray" he shook her hand, she turned to Michael next.

"Michael Jones" He shook her hand. 

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