Act 7 Part 1

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End intermission: continue ==>


Michael ran to Gavin's side, the Britt coughing and wheezing. Blood poured from his lips.

"Gavin, shh" Michael pulled the man into his lap. He grabbed Gavin's had and put it to his chest. hear my breathing? match my breathing" Gavin breath's slowly evened out.

"Michael?" He coughed.

"Yah its me" Michael smiled down at the Britt. The hole in his stomach was bigger than his hand. He could see Gavin's ribs, a pool of blood leaking out and over. "Shhh Gavin" He cooed and stroked the man's hair.

"I'm sorry" Gavin's bright green eyes teared up.

"Its not your fault" Michael pressed his forehead to Gavin's. "Remember when we watched the clouds on prospit?"


"Just remember that and sit here with me" Gavin nodded slightly. They sat like that for a bit. Michael's mind cleared and he realized he was going to lose Gavin.

"Please don't go" Fell from his lips. "Don't leave me alone here" Michael put a hand on Gavin's cheek and he felt his own tears fall. "I need you"

Gavin's hand touched his cheek whipping the tears away with shaky fingertips. "I wish it were that easy"

"Gavin, i'm scared"

"don't be" Gavin smiled, strange calmness setting in his touch and tone. Michael put his hand over Gavin's, who turned the hand over and laced their fingers. He pressed a kiss to the back of Gavin's hand.

"You mean the world to me" Michael spoke against the hand, that he then lowered for Gavin's comfort.

"Good bye, Michael Jones"

"Good bye, Gavin Free"

"I love you"

"I love you too, boi" Michael held Gavin's hand and stroked the man's hair. "Just go to sleep i'll be here when you wake up" Michael pressed his lips to Gavin's forehead, the way he did whenever they fell asleep in each others arms.

"Can you sing me to sleep?" Gavin closed his eyes. Michael closed his as well, he'd never sand to anyone else but Gavin. He hoped no one was listening. His voice came out smooth and sweet.

"I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you" he sang the entire song through. "I wanna go home. but my love, gets me through" and with the last lyric Gavin's hand went limp in his own and a last breath pushed out of the Britt.

Michael let the tears fall as he muttered. "I love you" There wasn't answer. No "i love you too Micool" just silence. He leaned back, clutching Gavin in his lap and let the sobs roll off his body. His chest ached as the world crumpled down around him. Michael pulled the man's head into the crook of his neck. wrapping his arms around Gavin.

He pinched his eyes closed, hoping to wake up from this nightmare. "GAVIN!" He through his head back and screamed through the tears. The name echoing in the emptiness and silence. Birds took off in the distance, everyone would have heard that. He bit his knuckles to keep in another desperate cry to bring his love back. he pulled Gavin closer to his own body.

"No" He whimpered into Gavin's cold forehead. The smell of the Britt fading away. Michael took a deep breath of it before it was gone. He looked up aware he was being watched. Everyone's tear filled eyes looked away. Ray's trickster smile, curling wider. satisfied.

Anger filled him, how could he have let his friends hurt like this. He flung his hand to a tree, wich cracked and twisted as it fell. Purple flames clinging to it. Michael covered his eyes with his hand. "There has to be a way"

"Not this time Michael" Geoff answered "I'm sorry" Michael looked back down, Gavin's eyes barely shut, lips parted slightly.

"I have to go now, okay? I'm sorry" Michael brushed Gavin's hair to the side, it felt stail against his fingers. "I'll miss you, i love you" He slowly pressed his lips to Gavin's "Please come back to me" Another kiss. Michael felt a hand on his back. "I know, Geoff. Just hold on"

"Guess again" came the rattled coo of a British voice. Michael's eyes flung open, the hole was gone, Gavin's shirt still torn from the blast.

"You piece of shit!" Michael dropped the man's body.

"Micool!" Gavin squawked as he hit the ground.

"You were faking it!!!!!" Michael raised a fist as new tears stung his eyes.

"No! I'm Back!"

"You better fucking explain!"

"Ah! Kissing!" Gavin put his hands up. Michael pulled them away and kissed the man harder, Gavin froze for a second but quickly kissed back. Michael pulled back and hugged him. "Don't you ever do that again"

"I won't" Gavin hugged him back.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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