Act 4: Part 3

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Ray blindly let Ryan guide him through the forest.

"What if we never find them?" He frowned.

"Don't worry we will" Ryan helped him avoid a tree stump.

"Motherfucker!" Purple blazed from the trees "My finger!"

"Calm down, Micool"

"My finger's bleeding Gavin! Don't tell me to calm down!" Ray's face lit up. 

"Guys!?" Ryan called out, there was silence. 

"Hello!?" Gavin yelled. He let go of Ryan's arm and flung himself blindly into the forest.

"Ray wait!" Ryan ran after him. The blurred images of Gavin and Michael appeared. He tripped but Ryan lifted him up and back onto his feet.

"thanks dude" He nodded to his friend as Gavin hugged him.

"I'm so glad you found us!" Gavin laughed but let go to hug the navy blue clothed man.

"Look i'm really glad to see you two but i'm squirting blood out of my finger like a power washer" Michael said through clenched teeth. 

"Michael" Gavin quickly grabbed the man's hand and began  to wrap the finger up. "Sorry i forgot"

"How do you forget that your boyfriends going to die from blood loss!?" Michael yelled, and Gavin giggled.

"Wait" Ray pointed between the two.

"Please don't-" Michael started as Ray let out a high pitched squeal and jumped "Fangirl" He sighed.

Gavin only giggled again. "Jesus Ray"

"You've know idea how long i've wanted you two to kiss, seriously. 

"KARANE! Please come here and control Ray!" Michael shouted.

"Rey's dead, mikal!" Karane yelled back "That's not funny"

"He's right here!" There was a sound of running and then the blonde ran out from behind the trees and hugged Ray. He struggled to keep his balance.

"You're alive!" She squealed.

"Hella" Ray hugged her back.

"I have a gift for you!" She beamed, pulling out a small mess of what looked like wires. 

"What?" She pushed them onto his face, he could suddenly see her clear and crisp. He touched his face and felt his glasses.

"Jinkies! My glasses!" He smiled as karane laughed and hugged him. ray could now clearly see as Gavin kissed Michael's injured finger. Michael was dressed in all purple, a spindly symbol on his shirt. His hood was long and curled at the bottom in the air.

"Heir of Rage, Fitting" Ryan smiled.

"is that what this is?" Michael looked down slightly.

"I did some research"

"I see" Ray turned his attention to the small Swedish girl, who was beaming.

"I'm so glad your alright Rey!"

"Me too" He smiled at her, his cheeks felt hot. 

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