Act 5: Part 3

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Ray had begun to notice a change in Ryan. sooner of later he thought his 'heart' powers had to reveal themselves, looked like they were finally working. He had also noticed  how the air got thick as Michael and Gavin entered a room he was in. When Karane walked in the air got slightly thick. 

Ray noticed the feeling coming from Ryan more than anything, he could see it in the man's step. Every foot planted yelled Jealously and betrayal at Ray. 

"Hey Rye-Bread" He sat next tot eh man. The sun was setting. Why Ryan had chosen to sit on the roof he'd know idea. 

"Hey Ray" the man sighed.

"I know somethings  wrong"

"What is it?"

"I don't like Karane, i'm sorry i just don't"

"What do you-" Ray's words trailed off as his eyes widened.

"Ryan I'm not Gay"

"I know that! neither am i. I din't know whats going on!" Ryan shook his head. "suddenly i have feeling for you, i had a family"

Ray cut him off "Had?" Ryan paused. 

"There all dead Ray, earth's gone." There was a long pause.

"I'm so sorry" Ray touched the man's shoulder.  Ryan smiled almost immediately.

"Its alright, Ray. Just don't tell Geoff or Jack"


"Rey?" Karane's voice reached him, he turned to the girl.

"Hold on" He turned back to Ryan, the mans eyes pleaded for him not to leave with the girl. "I'll be right back" He stood and lead the girl away.

"Karane , i thought this was right but i'm not so sure"

"What do you mean?"

"I think i need more time"

"I'm sorry but your kidding, right? Ryan? i had no idea.."

"Me either but i need time"

"Rey" She wined, Ray grabbed her hands. The feeling slowly left the girl and Ray could feel it inside himself.

"I'm sorry" As he let go the feelings of Karane's feelings now left as he did. "Sorry about that, Ryan" He used the man's shoulder to sit back down, as he touched Ryan's shoulder the feeling transfered to Ryan.

"What did you just do?" Ryan looked at him.

"I, what?" Ray cocked his head.

"I'm a seer, Ray. I know what you did"

"well i have no idea what i did."

"You took her love and Gave it to me, how?"

"I did what?" Ray looked to his hands. Could he really do that? Take love from the rich and give it to the poor like a love robin hood?

"I guess you need it more than she does" Ray answered. Ryan's face flushed bright red. ray only smiled, he felt himself lean into the man. What was he doing?! This was his friend! Their lips were close.

"Hey! Everyone who's on the roof! get the fuck down here!" Michael's voice echoed. Ray stood quickly, not sure if he was glad of disappointed at the interruption. 

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