Act 7 Part 3

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Ray's eyes opened slowly. His head was pounding.

"Ray? Are you okay?" He heard Ryan's voice and blinked his eyes. Ryan's hand was on one of his cheeks.

"Ryan. What happened?"

"You went fucking insane and damned near tried to kill us all" Ryan only smiled.

" oh so the normal right?"

Ryan laughed, "yah, same old same old" Ryan leaned down "glad your okay" Ryan pressed their lips together. Ray smiled. Ryan pulled away and helped Ray to his feet.

"So what happened exactly"

"You picked up the lolly pop." Michael turned slightly from Gavin to him.

"What lolly pop?"

"The one that fucks everything up"

"The one that turns people into tricksters" Geoff looked to him.

"Oh, oops"

"Oops is all you have to say!?" Michaels fists clenched into a ball.

"Michael, it's not his fault. Let it go" Gavin put his own hand over Michael's fist.

"What did I do?" Ray looked back slowly to Ryan.

"I'll tell you when we find camp."

"Well this seems like a good spot" Jack nodded slightly.

"I'll get some firewood" Geoff walked off.

Ray looked to Michael and Gavin. Gavin's fingers trailed Along Michael's chest slowly.

"And we have to..... Talk about some things" Michael smiled slightly as they went off into the forest. Small giggles coming out of Gavin as they left.

That left him and Ryan alone.

"So what happened?" Ray looked to the man.

" you may or may not have turned mike into a trickster and he killed Gavin. The shock was enough to snap mike out of it."

"Oh man. So thats why he's upset with me?"

"Yeah. He'll get over it."

"I'm confused. How's Gavin alive now?"

"Michael found out that kissing is a way to revive dead players" Ryan smiled.

"Well that's useful"

"You look a little pale. Do you need a kiss?" Ryan raised an eyebrow, still smiling.

"Okay, that was terrible Ryan"

"I thought I'd give it a try"

"You could have asked nicely" Ray pulled them closer, Ryan bridged the gap. Kissing him deeply.

"You know, Mike and Gav go off all the time. Why don't we?" Ryan pulled back only a bit.

"We could. You've never asked" he responded.

"Can we?" Ryan smiled.

"Sure" Ray smiled back. He let Ryan take his hand and lead him off into the forest.

"You know. Maybe we should find a bed?" He laced their fingers.

"I'll find some where that's fine" Ryan smiled, he stopped though halfway through his step. "What was that?"

Ray stopped to listen to his surroundings. There was a giggle.

"Oh!" was followed by the giggle. "Michael!" A moan followed.

"Ah fuck, gross! GET A ROOM!" Ryan cupped a hand to amplify his voice.

"We've got a room! it's just in the woods! go away!" Michaels voice answered.

"Whatever" Ryan changed course and began to walk away from the other two boys.

"There!" Ray yanked Ryan to a soft spot of earth.

"Your sure?"

Ray was already pulling off his shirt. "About which part?"

"The place and the sex"

"I'm sure in both" He nodded.

"I love you" Ryan placed a hand on his cheek.

"I love you too" Ray wrapped his arms around Ryan's neck and kissed the man. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

"Let's try and be louder then Gavin and Michael, hmm?" Ryan chuckled.

"Sounds like a plan" Ray smiled.

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