Act 4: Part 6

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The New house wasn't as extravagant as the first mostly because they weren't going to stay long. Jack didn't want to waist good wood on a house they were going to abandon. They'd been out chopping wood when They'd found Ryan and Ray yesterday. Jack could see the Jealousy in Ryan's eyes as Ray and Karane sat together. The only two who couldn't see it were Ray and Ryan themselves.

Karane could, she seemed to ignore it though. the tension between the three was sky high. At some point it would have to break.

They hadn't finished foraging but the decided that they would continue today. Ryan volunteered to go with the, When Ryan did Ray fallowed. Karane also agreed.

Michael and Gavin said they'd stay and prep at the house instead.

'Prep' was a good word for it.

"We'll be back soon! "Geoff yelled to the two men.

''Cya then!" Michael shouted, they left. fully aware of what they were doing.

"We'll give em an hour or two" Jack only fallowed behind everyone. soon they were chopping at trees. As he cut into a large trunk a structure appeared past the trees.

"Hey Geoff? whats this?" He called to the other man.

"That's a slab!" Ryan looked past the trees. Jack walked on, a sun printed on the slab. he felt a weight lift from his shoulders.

"Who is it?" Geoff looked down.

"Its mine" Jack felt like panic rise in him slightly.

"Seriously?" Ray looked at him.

"Yes" Death felt so foreign.

"Jack" He felt Ryan's hand on his shoulder "Its like sleeping, just lay down and close your eyes" 

Jack nervously laid down on the cold stone slab. He could hear his hear beat in his ears. Geoff pulled his sword up and Jack felt it pierce his heart as he shut his eyes. There was darkness and a light headed feeling till he opened his eyes again.

Jack sat up, eyes wide as his clothes changed. His hood was orange, the sun shone bright on his long sleeved shirt. Long patterns traveled from the bottom of the shirt to the middle. His Pants were Orange with blue shoes. A cape flowed behind him.

"Mage of Light" Ryan spoke. Jack marveled at how fast it had felt, and at the power he felt coursing through him

End of Act 4

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