Act 4: Part 2

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The fire next to him crackled lively, Gavin was still cold though. Michael sat next to him, the man had obviously seen him shiver because he wrapped his arms around Gavin and pulled him close. Gavin was grateful he had, Micheal pulled off his hood and shirt. Michael was now just wearing a black tank top and his pants.

What really amazed him is when Michael draped the shirt over him. Lindsey had always said Michael was the sweetest person you could ever find under all that Jersey attitude. That was a long time ago of course but it seemed to be true.

"Thank you, Micool" Gavin snuggled closer as the man laid down for sleep. Gavin, even though he was taller, scooted down and laid his head on Michael's chest. He felt the Jersey Boy's arms around him as soon as he did. The older man was snoozing with in minuets of laying down.

"I had no idea he was so kind" Karane smiled.

"Me either" Gavin yawned.

"keep him warm, its cold out"

"I got him, don't worry" Gavin could feel Michael's chest against his face. Everyone thought Michael was fat, sure he had some chub but that's what made him cute. His chest was still broad. He almost shivered, not from the cold. Gavin shifted his arms around Michael's middle, he could hear the man's heart beat in his ear.

It was slow and steady as the older man slept. he closed his eyes and simply listened to Michael breath.

Gavin's eye's shot open, Michael was gone. He suffered a small heart attack when he couldn't find the man. in fear it had all been a dream. The bright yellows of Prospit greeted him though. He sat up in his bed. Jack sat on the windowsill, swinging his feet lightly.

"Ray's not here, the clouds say the dead can't dream" Jack looked to him.

"but, they are alive! if Michael is then they are"

"I'm sure they are" Jack nodded "they just can't dream anymore" Gavin nodded to his friend. As he looked out to the clouds one caught his eyes.

The room in the cloud was dimly lit, two body's fell on top the bed. One on top of the other. Gavin heard a moan from he cloud as the person on top pulled the bottom's shirt off.

"Mi-cool" He heard his own voice echo, Gavin's eyes widened at the sight.

"What in the world?" Jack looked up.

"Nothing!" Gavin shot off the bed, directing the attention to himself.

"that sounded like-"

"A whole lot of nothing!" Gavin yelled as he felt his body tug him back to the bed slightly. "Just go wake up!" he pushed Jack off the window and flew back to his own bed.

Gavin opened his eyes, his pants felt tighter than they had moments ago. This made him very glad Michael was still sleeping.

If the clouds told you the past, present, and future, and That wasn't in the past or present. Then that was in the future, Gavin felt his cheeks heat up.

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