Act 3: Part 2

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I love you still rattled around Gavin's mind as his head split open, The black ink like aura began to float off of  his skin. 

"Michael?" he looked down. The man's lips were open slightly, his eyes shut. Gavin quickly removed his foot. "Michael!?" he fell to his knees, Karane emerged from the trees.

"Please tell me i didn't do this" He looked up, pulling the man into the crook of his neck. 

"I'm sorry Gaven" Karane said quietly, Gavin looked and saw Ray and Ryan's lifeless. 

"No" He pulled Michael's limp body as close as he could. "I'm sorry" He whispered into Michael's forehead, he let a sob roll out of him roughly. Michael had said he loved him, He'd even apologized for everything. But it was too late now. Gavin felt Karane sit next to him. 

Jack and Geoff ran around the corner.

"Oh no" Geoff looked down, Jack covered his mouth. 

"I love you too" Gavin stroked the curls. "I'm so sorry. This isn't fair" He jammed his eyes together, letting the hot tears hit Michael's already pale cheeks. Sobs wracked his body, his shoulders shaking.

"Gaven?" Karane put a hand on his shoulder, Gavin looked up. "I'm sorry" she opened her amrs, He gladly hugged her.

"God! I'm so sorry Karane!" He shut his eyes against her shoulder. He felt Geoff put his arms around them both, Jack's on top of those.

Gavin fetl Geoff's tears hit his back.

"I'm so sorry' Gavin whimpered.

"Its okay, Gav" Geoff held a sob and patted his back "It wasn't you" 

Jack let go before anyone and Gavin heard the sound of digging. He whipped his eyes and pulled back slightly. Everyone began to dig 3 graves for their beloved friends.

Gavin carefully lowered Michael in, kissing his forehead. With a shaking hand he pulled his glasses off and placed them in his own pocket. He folded Michael's hands over his chest and stood up. 

"There," Gavin let out a small laugh as a tear rolled down his cheeks "He could be sleeping" 

"Yah, they look peaceful" Geoff put an arm around him as Jack pushed dirt over the. Karane put a rose over each of the graves.

"Anyone want to say something?" Geoff looked to the graves.

"We love you guys, rest in peace" Jack smiled sadly. 

"I love you, Michael" Gavin said weakly.

"Good bye" Karane looked down to her feet.

"May they Hunt Achievement's in the afterlife" He smiled sadly down at the graves. 


you know its bad when you start crying as an author. could be the fact i'm writing this to 'Say something' By ' A Great Big World'

Hope you all don't hate me now. because trust me it gets better ;)

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