Act 5: Part 6

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Everyone seemed bright and cheery again, which was good. Jack couldn't wait to sleep though, he'd missed dreaming ever since he'd reached god tier. As he sat by the fire he closed his eyes, picturing his eyes opening on Derse rather than his dream world of Prospit. The world was purple now instead of yellow, his prospit clothes hand't changed though.

Ryan and Ray sat on one of the spires window ledges, hands intertwined. Jack's eardrums were barraged by whispers that he couldn't understand. Michael wasn't here so he must be with Gavin on Prospit.

"They seem happy don't they?" Karane smiled to him, she seemed a little sad about the manner of Ryan and Ray. 

"I'm sorry, Void players have strong connection to Heart players." Jack put a hand on her shoulder "It was bound to happen" 

"Yah, I know" Karane smiled sadly. "Its okay" Jack looked around, Geoff sat alone on his own spire.

"I think Geoff could use some company over there" Karane nodded and flew to the sad looking man. Jack marvelled at the world bellow him. If only he could understand what the HerrorTerros were whispering to him. Maybe it was helpful, Ryan seemed to learn a lot from them.

"Its unimportant, Jack" The Seer called to him.

"they aren't whispering anything important?"

"Mostly just death threats"

"Are Michael and Gavin alone Derse?" 

Ryan looked up and nodded. "Apparently, yes"

"Oh lord" Jack face palmed.

"We tend to leave them alone a lot don't we?" Geoff smiled as he floated into the conversation. 

"More often then not" Jack smiled back to the man. God, he missed the feeling of flight. Course he missed the fluffy, white Prospit clouds and blue sky. It was a little late to switch over to prospit though. He was already dreaming on derse and god only knows what Gavin and Michael were doing on the foreign planet alone. 

Jack looked up to the night sky, swirls of blue and faint green mixed with the black-purple of the night sky. Stars covered the canvas of twilight. It was haunting in a way. The whole planet felt eerie,  the whispers defiantly didn't help. 

"Do they ever stop talking?" Jack looked to Ryan.

"No, you get used to it though"

"Question, how do we wake up?" Geoff tilted his head up, Ryan closed his eyes and listened to the HerrorTerros.

"they say to just wake up, morons. Open your hideous eyes again" Ryan shrugged. 

"simple enough' Jack closed his eyes again, picturing waking up in Minecraft.

End of Act 5.

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