Act 4: Part 1

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Intermission over ==> Continue


The Enderdragon was ready to fire, Michael felt the rage already boiling inside him and start to flicker off of him. As he walked towards the scene he saw Gavin cowering beneath the beast. The Rage boiling up was now full blown and it consumed his body.

"NO!" Michael yelled flicking a hand to the dragon, purple flames licked up on its hide. The enderdragon shut its mouth as it caught. The shriek from the Beast was high pitched and echoed across the valley.Michael saw Gavin look up to him, With each flick of his hand he took a step forwards. 

 "YOU" Another flick of his hand and another shriek. "WILL" Another flick and the beast was engulfed "NOT" The dragon fell to the ground withering in pain. "TOUCH HIM!" Michael yelled as it disintegrated before his eyes. 

Michael shut his eyes tight and clenched his fists, His purple rage of flame slowly dying down. Michael took deep breaths and opened his eyes. Everyone's jaw was dropped, Gavin starred at him in slight awe. 

"What!? Michael snapped, Gavin stood and hugged him. He was slightly surprised but hugged back.

"I'm sorry" Gavin said quietly, Michael could tell he was crying."I thought i'd lost you."

"Its okay, I'm here now" Gavin was clutching onto him like a life line. Micheal felt, without really knowing when it had started, a warm tear roll over his cheek. He felt Geoff's arms around him, and all of them fell down as people piled onto the hug pile.

"We missed you, Michael" Jack laughed.

"Good" Michael smiles, laughing as the tears leak from his eyes uncontrolled. 

"These are yours" Gavin smiles through sobs, holding his glasses.

"Thanks boi" Michael put them on, the faces around him cleared up. 

"Micool?" Gavin smiled.

"Hmm?" Michael turned to his best friend. Gavin slung his arms around his neck and soon the space between their lips was gone. Michael had expected this, well, at least he'd hoped.

Seeing as he'd said so much and was willing to give up everything for the man. Michael moved his hand to Gavin's neck and pulled him closer. What had started out as a sweet, longing kiss now turned to one of Desire and lust.

"Okay that's enough you two, don't make me get the hose" Geoff laughed and Michael let go of Gavin. 

"Spoken like a father Geof, afraid i'll steel your little man away from your fatherly arms?" Michael laughed, Michael could tell his lips and face were red.

"Wait! if Mikal is okay, then Rey and Rian are too!" karane said brightly.

"That's true!" Gavin smiled wide, Michael was glad to hear his friends were okay. He was even happier to see the British man smile.

Michael hugged the Brit and kissed his cheek lovingly. Gavin flushed and giggled. 

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