Chasing 1

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Sehun is currently walking towards their dorm. Entering their last year in college is no joke so they all decided to rent a dorm near their school to save time and energy.

He immediately put his hands inside the pocket of his coat as he felt the wind getting more chilly. "Fck you, winter." He hissed under his breath

He's been hating winter since that day happened. She leaves him during winter, its been four years but the pain is still there like it just happened yesterday.

But his hope and promise remains.. he will find Yoona no matter what. He will keep his promise.

He entered the gate of their dorm. It is a two building facing each other, just enough space between and his shared room with Jongin is placed at the first floor.

Before he entered their shared room, he frowned as he heard a loud music coming from the room in front of theirs.

It is once vacant and now he can hear a Western song playing loud inside. He shook his head in annoyance and opened the door of their room.

He saw Jongin sleeping on the couch wearing just his boxers with a lot of paper scattered on the floor. He intentionally closed the door with a loud thud making Jongin stood up abruptly like there's a fire nearby.

Sehun laughed at his reaction making Jongin groan and throw him a glare "What the actual fck, Sehun?!!" He exclaimed

"What." Sehun shrugged and put his coat on the nearby rack. "I think the door's broken, it creates loud noises."

"Oh really?" Jongin glares "If I know, you did it on purpose!"

"I don't." Sehun said and removed his shirt throwing it on Jongin's face "I'm seriously thinking of finding a new dorm where I don't hear loud foreign musics."

They both sat on the couch, topless. They don't really care, there's a heater anyway.

"No way dude!" Jongin exclaimed "This place is nice and besides, Chanyeol-hyung and Baekhyun-hyung are just next door. Whenever I'm hungry, I always go there! I love their cooking."

"I know but—"

"Oh, are you talking about the once vacant room in front of ours?" Jongin asked, Sehun slowly nod. They can hear the Western songs playing from that room "They're just new here, and according to Baek-hyung, they're also transferee in our school."

"And how did, Baekhyun-hyung knows about it?"

"Because of Taehyung, remember him? He's the sophomore from the music club." Jongin asked making Sehun frowned "The boy calling Baekhyun and Chanyeol-hyung his parents?"

"Oh, yeah I remember now."

"Yeah, so as I was saying Taehyung's cousin is living there with her best friend." Jongin stated "He said she's from US and she's fluent in English, dude!" He exclaimed

So she's a she. Sehun thought

"And hear this." Jongin said "Taehyung said that she's a part time model and she's really smart. She can speak Japanese, Chinese and Spanish not just our language, Korean."

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now