Chasing 4

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Sehun is currently walking along the hallway towards his next class. He tried to find Yoona around the caf. but she's no where to be found.

His next subject is a few rooms away from his room earlier, where Yoona is his classmate.

He's preoccupied with his thoughts so he didn't see the girl in hurry holding books in hand "Watch it!!" The lady warned

But its too late now since, her books are already scattered on the floor when Sehun bumped on her. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Sehun said as he gets all the book on the floor and hand it back to the lady "I'm sorry, I didn't see you co—"

And the words just died on his throat.

"It's okay, but please be careful next time." Yuri said. Her phone suddenly rang, she tapped the answer button "Yes, okay. Let's just see each other at the coffee shop in front of our school after dismissal... okay bye." She said then hang up

She slightly bowed at Sehun and immediately storm out of the place.

Sehun followed her with his eyes. What's happening? That's.. Yuri, right? Yoona's angel friend.

And out of no where, a bubbly lady appeared in front of him, wearing the uniform of the Cheerleading squad of their school. He almost shout in surprise.

"Hello, Sehun! Remember me?" She greeted

"H-Hyoyeon r-right?" He answered unsure. He can't believe his eyes

"Right!" Hyoyeon exclaimed smiling at him.

There's a group of guys past by them, they all wink at Hyoyeon, she just answer them with a playful smile.

"Wait, they can see you?" Sehun can't help but ask. Hyoyeon nodded "What's happening? Why you can remember me? But Yoona and Yuri.." he stated, everything's unclear for him. He's so curious and it might kill him if he won't get the answers.

"Well, that's how our magic works!" She exclaimed

"Magic?" Sehun repeated "Wait, don't tell me you're also studying here?"

Hyoyeon lazily looked at her fingernails "Nah, I'm just always around.."

"What, I don't get it."

Hyoyeon looked at him "Let's just say that, your long wait is over.."

"What? I don't like riddles okay, tell me straight to the point."

Hyoyeon sighs and fixed her skirt which she finds really cute, she wants to wear it more often. "Just get along with this, Sehun." She seriously said "you're lucky to have this second chance. Not everyone are granted with this kind of chances, you should be wise and enjoy!" She exclaimed then wink

Sehun was about to ask again but then, Hyoyeon just disappear out of thin air.

I can't believe this is happening..

Sehun proceed on his next room where Jongin is his classmate. He was about to open the room when he remembered something.

He fished his phone inside the pocket of his jeans and dialed his number. After few rings, he finally answered.

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