Chasing 22

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Yuri opened the door of their room, she walks outside half awake. She saw Yoona doing something on the kitchen.

She walks towards her and sat on one of the vacant chairs of the dining table, resting her chin on her hand, she watch Yoona opening a box of cereal as she hums a very happy song.

Yuri lifts one of her eyebrows, eyeing Yoona intently. It was unnatural. Everything is unnatural. First is, Yoona don't usually wake up earlier than her, she never prepare breakfast, she's always grumpy every morning and she never hum a song.

"Yoona?" She asked, unsure

Yoona looked at her and smile bright. That's wierd. Did she really smile? Early in the morning? "Yul, you're awake. Good morning!" She greeted in cheerful voice

Yuri cringed at the sound. It's very unusual. "What's your problem, Yoona?" She asked

"What, I don't have any problem." Her best friend answered, still smiling "I made you cereal too, let's eat and go to school together."

Yuri watch Yoona as she put a bowl of cereal in front of her with her eyebrows furrowed. Yoona is still smiling brighter than the sun today and it makes her curious.

"Okay," Yuri started when Yoona sat across her, eating her own bowl of food "what happened yesterday when I'm gone?"

"Nothing," Yoona answered "how's your trip yesterday, Yul? Did you met Lay again?"

Yuri is really confused now. "Uhm, yeah. He's always with me, why did you ask?" She answered, watching Yoona intently

Yoona smiled and shook her head "nothing, do you have another trip?"

"Yeah, we'll go to Gangwondo this weekend," Yuri answered "which means, I'll leave all the laundry to you, again.."


Yuri stares at her, definitely confused as fuck "aren't you mad?" She asked because Yoona hates doing laundry "you're going to do the laundry, all of them."

"No, why would I be mad?" Yoona chuckled "enjoy your stay in Gangwondo!"

Yuri was amaze. Maybe something good happened? She just shrugs and eat.

Their walking towards the school, Yoona keeps on typing on her phone while smiling like an idiot, Yuri is tired of asking and getting an answer as 'nothing' so she just let her.

"Yul, I'll just go to the cafeteria." Yoona suddenly said "you can go to your room."

Yuri just watch her as she ran towards the cafeteria. "Wierd, she's wierd really." She mumbles as she shook her head and proceed to her lecture room

Upon entering the cafeteria, Yoona saw Sehun sitting on one of the tables, waving his hand in the air for her to notice him.

Smiling, she immediately walk towards his location. "Sehun!!" She called

Sehun spread his arms gesturing Yoona to hug him. Yoona immediately wrapped her arms around Sehun as she sat beside him.

Sehun pressed the tip of his nose against Yoona, rubbing it together. Their just both staring at each other with a wide smile. Sehun held Yoona's cheek and close the gap between their apart lips, they can feel each other's breath. Yoona closes her eyes and Sehun was about to kiss her—

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