Chasing 8

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Sehun pressed the doorbell twice. One of the maid opened the gate for him. He entered Luhan and Seohyun's house and the maid led him to the small club inside.

Jongin called him few minutes ago just to inform him that they'll have a small and super late homecoming party in Luhan's house.

He didn't hesitate on going because he needs this anyway, he needs to forget about what happened earlier with Yoona.

I just want to protect her..

He entered the small room and he heard a not so loud music inside. All eyes turned to him. He suddenly felt nice because of warm the room's giving.

"Sehun!" Luhan called "it's good you're here!"

He went near the stool and Jongin gave him a bottle of liquor. He immediately get it. "Yeah, why not?" He said and roam around the room

There's Kyungsoo beside Jongin on the stool. Kris and Chen playing chess at the corner, Baekhyun and Chanyeol sitting on the couch while playing balls— soccer ball (I just made it clear. XD) and Luhan laughing at Jongdae for being a loser.

Everyone's fine except to him. He heaved a sigh and drunk another shot. Luhan went near him and patted his shoulder hard making him almost choke his drink.

"What the hell, Luhan-hyung?" He hissed with a glare

Luhan chuckled "You look serious,"


"You look stupid." Luhan added with a laugh

Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Stop making fun of me, hyung."

"Nah, you look like a shit when you're like that, did something happened?"

Sehun gaze away "Nothing." He mumbles "I'm just tired."

"Tired of what?" Baekhyun asked as he walked towards the stool beside Sehun and Luhan. Chanyeol followed him after. "Of chasing someone?"

"Probably yes!" Luhan exclaimed making them laugh except to Sehun

"Seriously guys, stop making fun of me." Sehun pouted "I'm under a huge problem now."

"Aigoo~ so adorable!" Baekhyun coos "Since when did a woman became a huge problem for Oh Sehun?"

"Yeah, you can have anyone you like you know." Chanyeol added

"Not anyone, Chan-hyung." Sehun said as he lean his head on Baekhyun's smaller shoulder "There's this someone I like but she hates me to the point that she don't want to see my face anymore."

Luhan chuckled "Why do I feel that I know the person you're talking about?" He teased, Sehun groans

"Wait, whom is this person? How come I don't know about this?" Baekhyun asked

"You wouldn't want to know, Baek-hyung." Sehun mumbles totally snuggling on Baekhyun's neck

"And why not? Luhan-hyung knows who is she." Baekhyun pouted "I should know too."

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now