Chasing 7

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Irene is currently walking along the empty hallway, she doesn't even know where to go.

She's too preoccupied with Taehyung's confession. She didn't expect that he likes her.

Maybe he's just playing around or its just a prank..


But he said he's serious and I can see it in his eyes too.. Taehyung is not the kind of person who will be serious just to prank others..


But.. we just met each other at the library, I don't know him that much and I know he's the same, how come he likes me? And in fact, I like Taeyong..

"Yah!! Bae Irene!!"

Irene startled when someone suddenly held her arm. She looked behind and saw Seulgi and Wendy looking at her weirdly "Seulgi? Wendy? Why?" She asked confused

"We've been calling you! You can't hear us?" Seulgi asked

"You're calling me?" How come I didn't hear

"Not just calling, we're yelling your name!" Wendy exclaimed "you're spacing out?"

"M-maybe.. I'm sorry."

"Anyway, Jessica-sunbae is waiting for us. We will visit the clubs again." Seulgi said as they starts dragging Irene towards the clubs

"D-do you mean the w-wierd clubs?"

"Yeah. Why?" Wendy asked frowning

"C-can I skip for now?" I still don't know how to react when I see Taehyung

"Ugh, we all know you want to see Taeyong." Seulgi said. Well, she's right but..

"C'mon! Let's just do this." Wendy said "we'll go home after this. Joy and Yeri are waiting for us."


They saw Jessica waiting for them, they immediately approach her and proceed entering the building.

"Jessica-sunbae, why are we visiting the clubs?" Wendy asked

"Yeah, is there something wrong again?" Seulgi added

"It's not a big thing but the two clubs reported that some of their tools were missing." Jessica answered

"What tools, sunbae?" Irene asked

"I don't know either. We'll know later."

As they reach the said club. Jessica knocked before she opened the door widely. They saw all the club members scattered around the floor.

They all abruptly stood up and close the laptop their using. They all smile nervously at the new comers.

"Jessica-sunbae, w-what are you doing here?" Yuta asked

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now