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Sehun doesn't have any idea on what's happening. Why the time seems to stop? Is that even possible?

He looked around and saw everyone not moving, they look alive but they're not breathing.

What's happening?

He looked at Yoona and she's not moving just like the others, her tears stopped on her cheeks.

He was about to speak when the whole place turned dim making him more confused.

There's a sudden light appears from the above and it makes Sehun blind for a second before he could finally see the person— angel in front of him.

The wide wings, the grey hair, the grey expressive eyes, the long white dress and most of all, the same warm and loving smile he saw from the very first tine he saw her on his balcony.

"Y-Yoona?" Sehun asked unsure

Is this real? Is she even for real?

Yoona slowly walked towards him and Sehun didn't move an inch. Everything feels surreal for him. He doesn't know what to do or react.

He can't believe what he's seeing. The angel Yoona stopped just beside her human form. Sehun can see two Yoona in front of him.

There's no big different between them, aside from their hair and Yoona's pale skin.

Yoona smiled at him. "Hey," she greeted "I missed you, Sehun."

Sehun felt the familiar innocent voice he used to hear before. He can't help but to smile and think of hugging Yoona then and there but he should resist. He's still confuse.

"Y-you're not her?" He asked as he point Yoona's unmoving figure "y-you're different?"

Yoona chuckled "No," She answered in a soothing tone "we're one. She's me."

"Then why—"

"I'm here to clear everything to you, Sehun." Yoona said "I'm here so that you won't be confused anymore."

"But before anything else," Yoona mumbles "will you give me a hug?"

Sehun chuckled, removing all the confusion in his mind as he stepped closer to Yoona, wrapping his arms around Yoona's body.

Yoona immediately hugs him back "I missed you, Yoona."

Yoona giggles against Sehun's chest "but I'm always with you," she mumbles "you even ask me to marry you."

"Right," Sehun chuckled despite himself "but you feel different when you have this beautiful wings on your back. It feels like I saw the real you after so many years."

"Didn't you like the new me?" Yoona asked "it's really me though, it's my attitude if I didn't die nineteen years ago."

"I love her, I love you." Sehun answered as he closed his eyes keeping Yoona's in his warm embrace. "I love everything about you, Yoona."

"Thank you for waiting for me, Sehun.." she mumbles "thank you for making me yours finally."

"I should be the one thanking you for coming back," Sehun kissed her hair "thank you for fulfilling your promise."

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now