Chasing 15

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An update for my beloved Ice Princess. Happy Jessica Day!

Miss her so damn much~ TT


Sehun exited the operating room. "You did a great job today, Sehun." Dr. Song said

Sehun smile and bowed "Thank you, sir." He said

Dr. Song brushed him off "Well, thanks too for being one of my assistant today." He said "You did a great help, I know your grandfather would be really proud of you. He's like you when he's much younger."

"That's too much, sir but still, thank—"

"SEHUNNIE!!!" he heard someone called him, too loud for everyone's comfort

All head turns to the guy who hollers Sehun's name. Sehun mentally slaps his face upon seeing Jongin waving his hands on the air whilst running towards him.

"I'm sorry, sir.." he apologize "he's my friend and I'm already regretting why—"

"Hey, Sehun!" Jongin greeted as he gets beside Sehun "I fetch you, I'm so sweet right? Like a really perfect boyfriend material, don't you think?"

Sehun snapped his forehead and glares at him making Jongin realize that Dr. Song one of the most famous surgeon in Korea is watching them.

He immediately bowed at him "Good day, Dr. Song!" He greeted "I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation with Sehun."

Dr. Song chuckled "No, its okay actually." He said "and if you'll excuse me, I still have to fetch my wife like what you did to Sehun like a perfect boyfriend material." He kidded and gave Jongin a wink

Jongin and Sehun blushed out of embarrassment. "Thank you again, Sehun." He added, Sehun nodded and they both bowed before Dr. Song leaves

When they can't see him anymore, Sehun immediately strangle Jongin's neck making Jongin yelp in shock "I want to kill you right now, Jongin!"

"Yah! Sehun let go!" Jongin complains "I'm sorry okay? I'm just excited, that's why."

Sehun finally let go of his neck sighing. "What makes you excited like girl, anyway?" He asked as he start walking towards the lobby. Jongin follow suit.

"You forgot?" Jongin asked making him frowned "its Jessica's birthday today and she invited us to come."

"Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm sorry."

"It's okay though, the important thing is we should come!" He exclaimed "your duty is done, right?"

"Yeah, wait for me, I'll just change." Sehun said and that's when Jongin realize that Sehun is still wearing the surgeon uniform with stains of blood. He's still wearing his mask and gloves.

"Oh.. yeah, you should." He said, awkwardly stepped away from Sehun

They entered Sehun's room. It was given by his grandfather. Jongin is just watching him as he cleans himself and change into a new pair of clothes.

"Being a doctor really suits you, Sehun." Jongin mumbles while Sehun is doing his shoe laces

"You think so?"

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now