Chasing 11

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Yoona went home the same day. She opened the gate of their dorm room, she can hear the loud laughter inside the dorm unit in front of theirs.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and proceed entering their dorm. She almost jumped in surprise when she saw Taehyung sitting on the carpeted floor in a right manner while pouting, he almost looked like a kicked puppy.

"Yoona-noona~" he mumbles like a kid who was about to cry

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" She asked as she remove her shoes and throw it on the shoe rack.

"I want to stay here for a while." Taehyung answered as he watched his cousin to remove her coat and sat on the couch raising a brow to him

"Wae? What do you want?" Yoona asked as she sat comfortably on the couch

Taehyung jumped beside her and hugged her "Noona~" he cries

Yoona startled and try pushing Taehyung's face away from her neck, bug she can't since Taehyung is holding her too tight "What the fck are you doing, Kim Taehyung!!" She exclaimed

"I'm broke, noona!!" Taehyung cries loud

"I will literally break your face if you won't let go of me, you piece of shit!" Yoona threatened

Taehyung didn't let go, he shook his head in disagreement "You should comfort me, noona. I want someone to comfort me!"

"Then why don't you go to your friends or ask your brother to comfort you?" Yoona said annoyed "Stop disturbing my peaceful life!"

"NOONA!!!" Taehyung exclaimed making Yoona stopped from whining "I just need you, right now."

"My friends are busy with our projects, they're doing mine too and Baek-hyung will hit me again if he knows that I'm still crying because of Irene." He continues

"Then you should stop crying because of her." Yoona said

"It's not that easy, noona. I like her, I like her so much and—"

"But she rejected you. Why can't you just accept it, Taehyung?"

"It was easy to say, noona, but I can't." He muttered "she's just too precious for me!"

"More precious than your alien collections?"

Taehyung immediately nods "I'm willing to throw all that collections if that means she'll like me back!"

"She must be that important." Yoona nods "What am I suppose to do with you?"

"Just let me cry." He said pouting "on your shoulder."

Yoona sighs in defeat "Fine."

Taehyung starts crying like a child on Yoona's shoulder, "Irene!!!!!! Waaaahhh~" he squealed some snot dripping from his nose

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