Chasing 14

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Maybe you all know why I made an update today, right? :) or maybe not.

Late, Happy Sehun Day! Sehunnie~ Sehunnie~ Saranghae! ♡♡


Sehun heard the alarm rings as it strikes at six am. He stood up from almost ten hours of sitting. He silenced it and looked at Yoona who is currently having her moment in to dreamland, she's laying on the couch with the blanket kicked off her feet.

Sehun chuckled at the sight of Yoona's sleeping face with a drool on the side of her lips. He slowly walked towards her and sat at the floor, leveling his face to Yoona's.

He poked Yoona's cheek earning a whimper from her but she didn't wake up. "Such a heavy sleeper." Sehun said

He stood up and looked around his dorm. "I didn't sleep." He mumbles "great, I should pray that I won't fall asleep later during the surgery."

He shook his head trying to think properly. He looked at Yoona again "She might be hungry when she wake up." He said to himself "I better cook something for breakfast before Jongin arrived."

He walked to the kitchen and look for something to eat. He decided to make pancakes and toast with a cup of coffee and hot choco. He remember Yoona wants to drink hot choco back then.

He prepared the coffee and hot choco first before putting slice of bread on the toaster and making a pancake.

Sehun is busy cooking when Yoona got awake by her growling tummy. She opened her eyes, right first before left. She slowly rubbed her tummy as she sat up looking at the place where she stayed all night.

And the moment she inhales, there's this wonderful aroma she suddenly smells making her tummy growls louder than usual.

With closed eyes smelling the aroma of heaven, she slowly stood up and walk towards where the smell is coming from.

Sehun startled upon seeing Yoona walking towards him smiling, her eyes are still close. She stopped just beside Sehun, too close for Sehun's comfort.

She's too close to him, the tip of her nose almost rubbed on Sehun's arm. Sehun cleared his throat making Yoona came back to her senses and open her eyes.

She saw Sehun, her eyes widen and about to shout but then the smell of morning pancakes are the best so she focused her sight on the pancakes with a sweet vanilla syrup on top making her drool from hunger.

Sehun almost laugh at her but he just keep it to himself "Do you want to eat now?" He asked

And without any hesitation, Yoona immediately nod. "Can I? Can I?!" She asked, her eyes are pleading as she looked at Sehun in the eyes

Sehun chuckled and ruffled Yoona's bed messy hair making Yoona slightly pout and swat Sehun's hand away "stop that, I'm not a baby." She mumbles still pouting

"Oh, really?" Sehun raised one of his brows "but you looked like one."

"No," Yoona said "Let's eat, please? Please? Please?" She pleaded

Sehun can't help but to grin widely, Yoona is doing an aegyo in front of him and its so adorable. Although, she's unaware of that.

Sehun nodded "Okay, sit on the dining and I'll prepare the food."

"No, let me help you. I want to help." Yoona insist

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now