Author's Note

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Hello, my dear readers!

I was currently re-reading some questions that I didn't able to answer. Some from the comment section and most are sent through private message.

I think of answering them before I start this book. :) These are questions from Falling Angel to this book.

They're non-verbatim.

1. What is the meaning of 'falling' in Falling Angel? Is it literally falling or falling in love?

- Well, actually the answer is both :) If you remember the first meeting of Sehun and Yoona on Falling Angel, Yoona literally fell on his balcony and she also fell in love with Sehun.

2. Are you going to make a sequel for Yuri and Lay's love story? Or one shot perhaps?

- I'm sorry but No. Even if I want to, I can't.

3. Is Yoona and Sooyoung real siblings?

- No, they're not. When Yoona died, she went to heaven and Sooyoung took care of her like her real dongsaeng, that's why Yoona's calling her 'unnie'.

4. Will the book two have smut/bed scene?

- I laughed at this. XD do you guys, want it?

5. Who will be Hyoyeon's pair?

- I usually pair Hyoyeon with Kai but since Kai is still dating Krystal. I can't get enough feels for them. So Hyoyeon won't have any pair for this story. Don't mistake me, I'm not a hater of KaiStal. I respect them, and besides, I'm a KaiSoo shipper ;)

6. Who will Irene end up with? Taeyong or Taehyung (V)?

- Hehe.. I actually don't know! I ship her with them. I'll leave it to you guys, who would you choose?

7. Why're you making Chanyeol and Baekhyun looks like a couple in your story? Same with Kai and D.O?

- I didn't see this coming! But I should answer this, well guys, I'm really a fan of Yaoi as you noticed. I actually ship them, okay!! So please, bear with me! Don't judge. 😅😅

8. Will Seohyun and Luhan end up being together?

- We don't know ;) but if you'll read this book two, you'll know.

9. What happened to Irene if they can't remember Yoona anymore? Why isn't she living with Taeyong and Sehun in their condo?

- Actually guys, they all forgot everything happened with Yoona. As you all remember, Irene live with them because of Yoona, so when she disappeared, everything changed. But don't worry, you'll know what happened to her in this story.

10. Thank you for making a book two, unnie. Are you planning on making a trilogy of this?

- First off all, for those who's thanking me for making a book two, i would like you all to know that, I should be the one thanking you for supporting my stories. You always inspired me by voting, sharing your reaction and thoughts every chapter ends. So, Thank you! My deepest gratitude to all of you. ^^

- And about the trilogy? Why not? If you'll support this too, then I'm more than willing on making a trilogy of this. :)

Bonus Questions: Personal.

*How old are you?

- I'm ageless. ;) kidding. I'm below 20, how 'bout you?

*Do you have Facebook, IG or Twitter account?

- I do! But I can't give you my IG and FB acc. It's personal, but I have a Twitter. I pinned it on my profile. You can check it there. (I'm quite inactive for now.)

*What name would you prefer us to call you?

- If you're younger than me, you can call me Kate-unnie or simply 'unnie'. If you're older, 'Kate' or 'author-nim' will do.

*Highschool or College?

- College

*Can we be friends?

- Of course!! LET'S ALL BE FRIENDS! ^_____^

I hope I answered some of your questions. If you have something to ask, don't hesitate on doing it. Don't worry, I don't bite :)

The Prologue will be posted tomorrow. Please wait for it.

Again, Thank you very much, guys!

I love you, all. ♡♡♡

- Kate :)

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