Chasing 26

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Yoona and Sehun exited the hospital with their hands intertwined with each other.

They're both smiling really wide as they reached Sehun's car at the parking area. "Wow," Yoona breathed "I don't know you have a white Ferrari, Sehun."

Sehun smirk at the thought on where he gets his white Ferrari "Well, this is a gift from a very nice person." He chuckled as he unlocked the doors.

He opened the passenger's door for Yoona and Yoona gratefully slipped inside. It's her first time riding Sehun car, but of course, it isn't the first time because we all know that she rode a lot of times on Sehun's car back on the book one. 😂

Sehun followed inside, slipping himself on the diver seat. They're now heading to the school where Yoona is having her internship.

As they arrived at the school. Yoona immediately exited the car before Sehun could do it for her. The guard greeted her and bowed at Sehun who is currently frowning at the guard for being so close to Yoona.

Sehun being a possessive boyfriend that he was encircled his arm on Yoona's waist still frowning at the guard. Good thing Yoona didn't notice it.

After more exchange from the guard, they finally entered the school. Sehun cleared his throat as they start walking towards the Department building.

Yoona glance at him confused "What is it?" She asked

Sehun is just looking straight not even giving Yoona a glance "Why are you so close with that guard?" He asked, annoyance can hear over his voice

"It's because I'm pretty and friendly, I make friends with anyone!" She exclaimed as an answer

Sehun rolls his eyes as he hissed "Friendly my ass." He whispered

"What did you say?" Yoona asked as she heard Sehun whispering something she can't understand

Sehun just kissed her forehead "I said I love you." He answered instead making Yoona blush and shut up

They're now in front of an office. Yoona knocked before opening the door wide for them to enter.

As they stepped inside, all heads are turned to them especially to Sehun because he's too tall and handsome of course.

"Sehun, they're my co-teachers, we're all interns here." Yoona mumbles besides him

Sehun looked around and nodded, he noticed that there's a lot of boys inside.

"You stay there first," Yoona point the couch at the middle, "I'll just get my things and check my schedule."

Sehun nods and let go of Yoona's waist. Yoona smiled at him before walking towards the table near the end. His eyes followed Yoona as one of her co-teachers approach her.

Sehun sat on the couch still watching Yoona as she put some things inside her bag.

"Hey there," someone speak gaining Sehun's attention "So you're Yoona's friend?" The lady holding a cup of coffee asked

Sehun frowned at him "Boyfriend." He amends

The girl lifted her brows "Wow, I don't know Yoona has a possessive boyfriend here." The lady chuckled "By the way, I'm Victoria." She offered a hand

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now