Chasing 23

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"So? Are you now finally going out?"

Yoona nodded and smile at Seohyun as an answer while Sehun held her hand.

"Yeah, finally." Sehun answers

"Congrats, dude." Luhan said as he pat Sehun's shoulder pretty hard.

They're on a restaurant near their university, sitting on a table for four. Sehun is sitting across Seohyun, while Yoona is sitting beside him across Luhan.

"So, she's the girl you're talking about before, don't you?" Seohyun asked Sehun, giving him a knowing smile "I'm glad, Yoona's my friend."

Luhan and Yoona are just watching their exchange "yeah, I'm actually glad you already know her," Sehun chuckled "you save me from doing an introduction, I was about to tell her how you fucking droll during your sleep."

"How dare you, Sehun." Seohyun glares then she looked at Yoona "why did you fell in love with this jerk, actually?"

"Wow, just wow." Sehun said

"Believe me, you shouldn't date him, his foot stinks!" Seohyun said pointing a finger on Sehun's face "you can still back out from dating him!"


Yoona awkwardly smile, she don't understand what they're talking about. She looked at Luhan while Sehun and Seohyun are still arguing. Luhan just smile at her and mouthed: Just let them. Yoona answered him with a nod.

"Say, do you really like him, Yoona?" Seohyun suddenly asked "I mean he's nothing but a peasant back to those days that we're still together."

"I'm sorry?" Yoona asked curiously

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Seohyun asked looking at Sehun "he's my ex-boyfriend."

Yoona looked at Sehun frowning "Really?"

Sehun scratch his nape and slowly nod "We've been in a relationship for six years."

Wow, just wow. Yoona wants to roll her eyes in annoyance but that would be rude and she didn't even know why she felt annoyed at the sudden moment.

"He even ask me to marry him!" Seohyun exclaimed "but poor him, I don't really like him." Seohyun laugh

Luhan looks really uncomfortable and Yoona noticed it, she felt the same way too.

Hearing that Sehun and Seohyun almost marry each other, there's some strange feeling inside her chest now and she can't decipher what the fuck is it.

"You don't have to bring that memory back, Seohyun." Sehun said "I met someone important after that tragedy, and she's more better than you."

"Oh really?" Seohyun asked "She must be out of this world. There's no one better than me." She said as she stick her tongue out at Sehun

"Yes, she is." Sehun mumbles laughing at himself "she's an angel."

And of course, Yoona doesn't know who the fuck is Sehun talking about. She was sure that it wasn't her because she just met Sehun a month ago? And that irritates her.

Luhan sense Yoona's awkwardness so he decided to call the waiter to take their orders. Yoona is very thankful for that.

Sehun wasn't hungry that much so he just let Yoona chose what he will eat. After small chit chats (that is mostly shared by Sehun and Seohyun), their food finally arrived.

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now