Chasing 25

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Yoona clutches the paper bag she's holding. It contains a bubble tea, vanilla flavor. She's now looking at the huge building of a Hospital where Sehun is currently having his internship.

She went inside towards the reception. "Good morning," she greeted the nurse inside

The nurse smile back at her "Good morning miss, will I help you about something?"

"Oh, yes please." She said "Do you know Oh Sehun?"

"Oh Sehun?" The nurse repeated, Yoona nods "you mean the handsome intern?"

Yoona raised one of her brows "Handsome intern?" She asked

The nurse nodded and blush a little making Yoona annoyed at the sudden moment. "Yes, he's so famous here you know." The nurse stated "he's the grandson of Mr. CEO, the owner of this hospital."

Yoona wants to throw her shoes on the face of the nurse in front of her but it will be bad so she just fake a smile.

"So, you know him." Yoona nodded "Can you tell me where's him right now?"

"Well, I know his schedule here." The nurse exclaimed "its already two minutes past after his surgery with Dr. Song."

Yoona felt really, really annoyed at the nurse. "Are you his friend or something? I mean, you know his schedule."

"Oh, how I wish to be his friend or more than that." The nurse said and that's it. Yoona lost it. "I just stalk him and everyone here does."

"Really?" She asked not even bothering to hide her annoyance. "Will you all stop stalking him?"

The nurse frowned "what? Who are you anyway?" The nurse asked

Yoona was about to tell her who is she when she felt an arm encircled around her waist. A little bit surprised, she looked at her side and saw Sehun wearing a lab coat and a specs smiling at her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked still smiling "are you with someone?" Then he looked around

Yoona faced him, his arm is still around Yoona's waist, holding her protectively. "I'm not with someone, I'm always alone. You left me this morning, how dare you." Yoona glares at him

Sehun chuckled and kissed her forehead. The nurse and others are just watching them.

"I'm sorry for leaving you," Sehun apologize "you're sleeping peacefully so I didn't wake you up."

Yoona pouted and fixed the collar of Sehun polo inside the white lab coat he's wearing. "At least let me say 'good luck' before you left."

Sehun just smile, they're doing PDA and they obviously don't care a bit. "I'll wake you up next time, so that you can kiss me good luck." He said then wink

Yeah, that wink and smile that make the nurse on the hospital fell for him. Yoona suddenly felt annoyed again.

"Here!" She said and forcefully give the bubble tea to Sehun

Sehun abruptly gets it slightly surprised with the sudden change of Yoona's mood "Woah, what happened? Did I do something wrong?" He asked

Yoona look at the other direction so that her back is facing the nurse. She gestured the nurse on the reception area to Sehun.

Sehun furrows his eyebrows and looked at the nurse staring at them with her mouth slightly open. "Uhm, miss?" Sehun asked

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now