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She floats down the stage, walking where the mic stand placed at the middle. The spot light following right on top of her.

"Uhmm.." she taps the mic twice and everyone inside cringe at the sound, she just smile awkwardly

"Ehem!" She clears her throat loudly making the people inside glares at her "So... Hello?" She awkwardly wave her hand

"I am the author of this crap as you all might know."

The people inside "boo"

"So, this fanfic comes to an end. And I want to thank all of you for supporting me and this crap. I appreciate all your votes and comments and even the silence readers. I know some of you waited for me to update this and I really want to apologize for not updating regularly with my UD schedule but, bear with me. I just really lost my inspiration."

The crowd fall in silence.

"But then, having you there means more than enough for me. Getting support from you makes me wanna cry." She gets a tissue that suddenly pops up out of nowhere. She sneeze loud pouring all her snot on the tissue. The audience cringe 'gross'

"So as I was saying," she continue "Falling Angel Book Two already ended, I put a lot of efforts on doing this so I hope you enjoy reading the whole story. Even though I lost my inspiration, I still manage to write something for you guys! Even though it's lame. I'm still proud of myself!"

Suddenly, fruits, shoes, vegetables and random objects throws at her but she manage to hide behind the stand.

"Anyway, does anyone has questions?"

"Will there be a Book Three?"

She smirks "I'm still thinking of it."

The crowd erupt in cheers. "REALLY?"

"Nah, I'm kinda lazy today."

This time even some chairs are throws at her.

"But I have a new crap!" She announced in her annoying booming voice "Here!"

A picture flashes on the background:

"It's another SeYoon entitled 'Runaway'. It will be soon publish and I'll update the Chapter one together with the Chapter 10 of 'The Wrong Girl'."

"I'm expecting tore you all there! So if there's nothing more, I'll see myself out. Thank you again for the support and please keep in touch. I love you all so much!" She dropped the mic on the floor making a deafening sound she salutes them and walk out.

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now