Chasing 2

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I dedicate this chapter to akachan94. She made a really pretty book covers of my stories. Thank you very much and love lots!

p.s Check her stories guys!


Yoona tied her auburn hair into a messy bun as she wore a Rilakkuma face mask, covering her nose and mouth.

"Okay?" Yuri started as she looked at her best friend from head to toe with a frown. "What's that look? We're going to tour around the school not to kidnap the Ambassador of Korea."

Yoona looked at the huge mirror of their dorm room again. She's wearing black sweater which is too large for her small body and a black ripped jeans.

"Do I look bad?" She asked

"Actually, no. But why black? And what's with that mask? Are you sick?"

Yoona gaze outside their window and saw the door of their front dorm mate, its really obvious that she broke it.

"Uhm.. its just that.. its.. Uhm.. cold. Yeah! Cold!" She said and let out an awkward laugh

Yuri eyed her suspiciously, "is it because you don't want those guy last night to recognize you?"

"WHAT? NO!" She exclaimed and unconsciously bit her thumb inside her mask "Why would I?"

"Okay, you're lying." Yuri said while nodding. "Let's go, the Dean told me that someone will tour us around, she's probably waiting there."

Yuri on the other hand is literally opposite of Yoona, she's wearing a white sweater and a skirt that would fall down above of her knees. She looks pretty with her bangs today.

They exited their dorm room, Yoona has been clinging in Yuri's hand like she's hiding for someone.

The moment they exited the dorm and walked towards the school gate, Yoona put her both hands inside the pocket of her sweater, still not removing the mask on her mouth.

As they reached the huge main gate of the said University, they just gaped in amusement. They didn't expect that their new school will be this prestigious and amazing.

They didn't have the chance to went inside it because Taehyung insist that, he should be the one that'll passed their transfer application.

They came back to reality when someone greeted them "Hello! Good morning and welcome to SNU!"

[A/N: SNU stands for Seoul National University. It is one of the most known school in Seoul along with Yonsei University and Korea University. The three popular universities in Seoul, South Korea also known as SKY.]

Yoona and Yuri looked at the young pretty lady who greeted them. They both smile and slightly bowed. The lady waved them off "You don't have to bow." She chuckled "So, uhm. Lim Yoona and Kwon Yuri?"

They both nodded "I'm Yuri and this is my best friend, Yoona." She said gesturing Yoona beside her

"Great!" The lady exclaimed "I'm Jessica, Jessica Jung, part of the Student Counciland I'm incharge of touring every new students here."

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now