Chasing 19

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A minute of silence..

"Whose stomach is that?" Namjoon asked, annoyance can hear in his voice

"It's Yuta, I'm sure." Doyoung answered

"What, why me?!" Yuta exclaimed

"I heard you whining earlier that you're hungry."

"But that's earlier! I'm not hungry now!"

"Will you both shut the hell up?!" Ten yells "you're annoying the shit out of us!"


"It's Hoseok!" Jimin said "its Hoseok's stomach."

"I swear I want to rip that stomach of yours, Hoseok!" Namjoon muttered "Be thankful that I can't see you, bitch!"

"Uhm, thanks?" Hoseok mumbles

They're now gathered around the floor of their club room. With all the lights turned off. They won't have electricity for the whole week.

It's too dark that they can't even see the face of each other.

"Is everyone here?" Taeil asked

"I guess so," Jin answered "Should we do a roll call?"

"Sure, you do it Jin-hyung." Jaehyun said

"Okay," he said "I'll start.. everyone, listen. Basically, Taeil and me are here so I won't call us anymore."

"Yeah. I'm here." Taeil answered

"Okay, Namjoon?"





"Right here."


"Here, beside Taeyong!"


"Here, eating!" Jungkook answered

All of them gasps "Where the fuck are you sitting, Jungkook?!" Namjoon exclaimed

"Give us the fucking food, Kookie!!" Doyoung yells

"Nah, find me first~" Jungkook whispers

And all of them turned into chaos, they're hungry as fck and they just want food to satisfy their stomachs.

"Ha! I got you!" Yuta exclaimed pulling someone's feet

"Idiot! That's my feet, how dare you touch me!" Taeyong yells

"I got him! I got him!!" Hoseok announced

"Where?!" They all asked

"Right here, beside me!!"

"Fuck you, Hoseok! That's my butt! Stop pinching it!!" Taehyung said

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now