Chasing 13

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Yuri glares at the certain guy who's watching her with a smirk on his handsome face.

She tries to focus on her professor who's currently talking about the place they are right now. She put down some notes on her phone.

Lay is still there, walking around the place too. But he just want to follow Yuri around so he decided to stroll around the place.

It's not a problem for him since they own the hotel that Yuri together with her classmates and professor are staying in.

He's currently watching Yuri typing the information their prof. was saying. He can't help but smirk and laugh as he remember what happened last night and this morning.

Yuri was embarrassed that's why she can't help but to glare at him. He's so annoying!

"…it was the best spot. Tourists usually go there." Their professor said, she took notes about it "and that's all for today. You can now rest and enjoy the place. See you tomorrow." Their professor announced

Her classmates starts to stroll around while talking how beautiful the place is. She doesn't want to go anywhere aside to her room and take a nap or rest.

She walked back to the hotel and enter her room. Before she could close the door, Lay slipped inside smiling from ear to ear.

Yuri rolled her eyes and closed the door. She didn't mind Lay as she walk inside the bedroom, Lay followed her.

"Done with your professor's lessons?" Lay asked as he watched Yuri taking her coat off and tossing it on the pile of clothes at the corner.

"None of your business." She mumbles as she threw her body on the fluffy bed. She groans as she feel the sudden warmth and comfort

"You must be really tired." Lay muttered and sat at the edge of the bed, leaning closer to Yuri "What we did earlier were really tiring, right?"

Yuri's face reddened and hit Lay's face with the huge and fluffy pillow. "S-shut up!"

Lay got the pillow causing Yuri to caught off guard as Lay leaned closer to her face, their face was just inches apart. Her hearts starts beating erratically inside her chest.

Lay chuckled "No need to get embarrassed around me." Lay whispered

"H-having you a-around already embarrassing m-me." She stuttered

Lay's eyes traveled from her eyes down to her nose to her lips.. Lay unconsciously bit his lower lip making Yuri gulped in nervousness.

"Damn, you're so tempting." Lay groans

"G-get off of me!" Yuri exclaimed "You're a pervert!"

"Says the one who pulled me to snuggle on her chest." Lay teasingly said

"YAH!!!" Yuri yells as she pushed Lay with all her strength. Face flushed.

Lay landed on the floor, still laughing his ass out. Yuri glares at him like he's the most bad person she ever met.

Yuri watched her laughing as memories of a while ago flooded on her mind.


Lay got awake by the sunlit peeking from the window. He slowly opened his eyes and about to rub it when he realized that someone's hugging his whole body.

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now