Chasing 12

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Yuri is currently walking towards the room she will be staying. Carrying her heavy baggage, she unlocked and kicked the door of her room.

She's panting too much as she enter the room. She literally throw her baggage on the couch. She stood up straight and looked around the neat and cozy room.

She sighs "Good thing, I don't have a roommate." She said to herself

She gave the place one last look before she retrieve a pair of clothes and undies inside her baggage.

She locked the door and start undressing herself. It's okay, no one's inside aside from her anyway, and besides, when she's at home with Yoona. They're always doing it.

When she's done undressing herself leaving only her pair of undies, she walks towards the bathroom while humming a song.

She was about to open the door when someone suddenly opened it from inside.

Her eyes widen same with the person inside. She saw a familiar guy naked waist up, droplets of water dripping from his hair. Obviously, fresh from his bath.

Her mouth swung open in shock. Lay's eyes traveled from her head to toe and back.

He cleared his throat and looked at the corner of the room instead, an obvious blush is visible in his handsome face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

Yuri is just staring at him, still in shock. She even forget that she's just wearing her pair of undies.

"Aren't you going to wear anything?" Lay asked again and that's when it hits her

She immediately covered her body with her both arms blushing really hard. Lay chuckled at the sight "GET OUT, YOU PERVERT!!!!!" Yuri yells

Lay trailed and immediately walked out of the bathroom. Yuri went in and closed the door with a loud thud.

Lay chuckled "damn, so sexy." He mumbles and smile like a pervert idiot.

After an hour, Yuri went out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and enter the bedroom directly, without even knocking.

And she regrets it eventually, she just saw Lay laying on the bed wearing just a boxer shorts.

Lay looked at her then smile "What is it?" He asked

Yuri being caught off guard just look anywhere else. She gulped and glare at Lay "Will you explain to me, what are you doing here?" She hissed

Lay smiles at her and she fought the obvious blush on her face. "I think, I'll be your roommate."


"I'll be your roommate." He repeated "We will stay together for the whole week. Isn't fun?"

"What the fuck-"

"Don't cuss!" Lay cuts her "For the sake of pure unicorns, don't cuss!"

"I don't think I can even stay with you for an hour."

"After I saw you naked?" He smirk "I don't think so."

Yuri blushes "S-shut up!"

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now