Chasing 16

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Sehun carried Yoona bridal style, he called one of the waiter and told them to tell Kris that he have to go home because there's an emergency.

The waiter offered help, Sehun accepts it by telling the waiter to call a taxi for them. The waiter followed and just few minutes passed, the taxi is already in front of them.

After thanking the staffs and the waiter who helped him, he slipped Yoona inside the passenger seat and sat beside her. Yoona is still unconscious, she's freezing and trembling, Sehun can feel it, because he himself is also trembling because of the cold.

It's fcking winter, of course it'll be cold.

He tells the driver to turn the heater higher making them both feel warm at the moment. After almost twenty minutes ride. They're finally in front of their dorm.

Sehun carried Yoona on his back towards her dorm room. He twist the doorknob and thank all the Gods that it's not lock.

He opened the door and the darkness welcomed him. Ater closing the door with his foot, he tried to reach where the switch are, but unfortunately he can't find it. It's not his dorm room, that's why he's very unfamiliar to this.

He fished his phone inside his pocket and turned on its flashlight, suddenly seeing the whole leaving room. He gently put Yoona on the couch before he continue searching for the switch.

Soon enough, he finally sees it. Sighing, he opened it and he closed his eyes with the sudden brightness enveloped the whole place. Once his eyes became comfortable with the light, he turned the heater right away.

"You have to change your clothes." He said to Yoona as if she can hear him.

Yoona continue trembling even with the heater on. Sehun knows if she will still wear the wet clothes she's wearing right now, she'll probably get sick first thing in the morning.

So, with all his might inside his well built body, he decided to change Yoona's clothes. He looked around the place and saw a door, probably that's her room. He thought.

He went inside and saw the room is neat and very warm. He opened one of the drawers and find a pair of Rilakkuma pajamas. He gets it and went back at the living room where Yoona is still trembling in cold.

He turned off the lights and on lampshade on the side table giving just a dim light on Yoona's laying figure. He swallowed hard as he held Yoona's wet sweater and slowly tugged it up.

Yoona moved making his job easier though, Sehun swallowed another lump in his throat when he finally removed Yoona's upper clothing. The yellowish dim light strikes at Yoona's milky white skin.

Sweating Sehun and the heater's highest temperature isn't helping him at all. It feels so hot. Why does Yoona have to be this gorgeous? Sehun shook his head to remove all the dirty thoughts he had in mind.

He have to finish this, he doesn't want Yoona suffer from cold and fever tomorrow. He nodded agreeing to himself. The moment his thumb brush along the button of Yoona's pants. He gulped louder this time, feeling the sweat down all over his body.

You can do it, Sehun..

Just get along with it..

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now