Chasing 29

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Hear me out!

About my plea last chapter, I really want to hear the silent readers because I know they'll make me inspire. Every readers are important and special not just for me but for every writers there, so hearing you saying something about the story means a lot for us authors.

It's like we're achieving our goals to make you happy in every updates we made. Reading your reactions was one of our reasons to continue and to put a lot of effort on every words we're typing to publish it for you. Because honestly speaking, we don't receive any payments here, so imagine if we will not read any comments from you after staying all night just to finish a chapter for you, what do you think we would feel?

So, after reading your comments last chapter, I feel great. :) it is nice seeing new usernames at the comment section and reading all your comments made me tear up. No joke.

So, I want to thank you all for the overwhelming words you said to me, I don't even know if I deserve those but still, Thank you! I will continue writing this and my other On Going story, I just realize that I should end this, I don't want to disappoint anyone especially my dear beautiful readers. ;)

Love you all, so much! ❤


After having almost two hours of talking to Sehun's mom, they're now inside Sehun's car heading home.

Sehun reached for Yoona's hand, intertwining it before placing on top of his lap. Yoona smiles looking at Sehun who is seriously driving.

"Hey," Yoona called

Sehun gave her a glance before focusing on the road again "what is it?" He asked

"I love you." She said as she squeeze Sehun's hand

Sehun finally smile as he squeeze Yoona's hand back. "I love you, more."

Yoona giggles as she plays with their link hands. "I just wonder why you fall in love to me.." she mumbles "I mean, you're handsome and kind and sweet and.. Uhmm.."

"Hot?" Sehun asked, smirking

"I don't think so," Yoona tease

Sehun gave her a disbelief look "you don't think I'm hot?!" He exclaimed

"I think.. you're not just hot but sizzling hot!" Yoona said as she slowly lean closer to Sehun and gave him a peck on the cheek

"Psh." Sehun hissed but he's smiling anyway

Yoona laughs "but seriously, why?" She asked again "why me, when you can have any girl you like."

Sehun smile and release a light sigh "you know why? It's because you're perfect." He answered and Yoona is not convinced

"What kind of answer is that?" She glares "and I'm not perfect, I can't even cook."

Sehun heartily chuckles "really? Then tell me your imperfections." He challenge "I already know a lot about you."

"How? I mean, we just met six months ago."

"Believe me, I already saw the innocent you and even the pervert one." He said and wink on Yoona's direction "I already saw every part of you and I didn't see any imperfection."

FA2: Chasing Her - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now