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THE FOUR lads walked down the slick alley, all of them lighting up a ciggie to warm them up. The abrasive winter air was unforgiving, nipping at their exposed cheeks and noses.

George was particularly pensive that evening, that went unnoticed by his stoked mates. They'd just performed a rather successful set at the Cavern Club, and their commission had been higher than usual and they saw it fit that they'd celebrate.

Despite the excitement, George didn't feel up to celebrating with his pals. Of course he stayed back and lingered and was currently helping the stumbling trio back to their shared flat, but he couldn't help but feel... empty. The feeling slowly crept up on him over the past few weeks, it didn't really manifest into anything prominent until he'd studied the couples in Hyde Park.

George wished for a girl. One that would listen to his music, snuggle up in his bed on a chilly winter night, hold his hand when he walked. He wanted to find his soulmate.

Under a lamplight, George noticed a slumped over figure on a stoop, one that resembled a girl. Narrowing his eyes he saw that she had blood on her knuckles and she was hardly dressed appropriately for a winter in Liverpool, he called to his inebriated mates and they scurried to the young girl's side.

"Lads, look! It's a bird!" He shouted, running over to her and kneeling beside her slumped over figure. George carefully rolled her over so he could see her face, and was blindsided by her beauty.

He'd hesitated for a moment, absorbing her beauty, but then proceeded to softly shake her.

" 'ello? Are you alright, love?" He asked tentatively, as Ringo poked at her calf with the tip of his boot.

"Is she dead?" Paul asked George, as John hooted with laughter.

"Of course not, Paulie!" John shouted, his voice echoing off of the brick walls of the alley. The elder beatle leaned over to whisper in George's ear as the girl began to stir.

"That would be dead grotty if she was. Ha! Dead!" John quipped, much to George's discomfort.

He was doing all that he knew to wake this...angel up from whatever type of slumber she was in and gauge what was the matter.

To the youngest Beatle's relief, the mysterious girl began to stir and her eyes slowly peeled open. Dazed and confused, she didn't say a word until she sat up and noticed four pairs of eyes transfixed on her.

"She's alive!" Ringo yelled at her, making Paul keel over in a fit of maniacal laughter.

The unknown girl flinched at Ringo's loud voice and she whimpered, and George quickly came to her rescue.

"Love? Are alright? Do you need me to ring someone for you?" George asked tenderly, pushing John back who was attempting to pull strands of his hair out.

The girl scrunched up her nose as if she'd smelt something ripe, and ran a hand through her pin-straight hair.

"Uh, is that my name? Love?" She slurred, watching as the world turned into a kaleidoscope before her eyes as she slumped over once more.

"No no no no." George said rapidly, fearing the worst.

He took her by the shoulders and shook her a lot more forceful than before, but she was out like a light.

"Oh she's for sure dead now, Georgie Porgie!" John sneered, as he followed the wandering Paul and Ringo.

"For fucks sake." George groaned, he had to make a split second decision before his mates walked into oncoming traffic.

Hastily, he slipped his long arms under the sleeping body of the mysterious but stunning girl and lifted her off the stoop. George grunted under the weight of her, but he didn't mind so much. He quite liked the feeling of holding this unknown girl close to him. She made him feel oddly safe.

In a pace in which George could hardly keep up with the three intoxicated stooges, especially with a bird in his arms, he trailed behind his three mates. While keeping a careful eye on the three lads, he studied the mysterious girl's face in closer detail.

With plush, kissable lips, full lashes, and a cute baby face, George thought the girl in his arms to be a radiant cherubim. One of those girls you read about in myths that are so beautiful, wars of enormous magnitude were fought for her affections.

But there was surely more to her than her stunning looks, and George was determined to suss her out.

"Ey Georgeee! Paul's laying down in the street!" Ringo rattled, startling George to where he almost dropped his angel.

"For the love of Christ, Paul get out of the fucking street!"

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