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WHO KNEW that fear would make you a blabber mouth? Because goddamn, I would not shut my gob.

"Why the fuck are you here? Get out of my face Kronos, leave me alone." I dared to spit into his face savagely, turning away on my heel, but not before he roughly grabbed me by the elbow.

"Now is that nice to say, to your favourite god? Ah you wound me so, you repugnant human."

"Cram it with walnuts, ugly." I spat right back, Kronos not even flinching at my school yard insult.

I guess I have to be more creative then, yeah?

"You we're giving in, to George. I just saw it. Those doe eyes batting with desire and your resolve instantly vanished right then and there." Kronos sneered, his chest puffed in triumph as his own personal wager was won.

I wrestled my arm out of his grip with a snarl, not even caring about the disrespect or contempt I was flushing towards the malevolent god of time. He was torturing  me; it was a cruel joke. It never relented, the waves of pain continued to crash against my battered psyche, I was just so tired of it.

He took away the security of perhaps one day, George would indeed find his way back to me. But what was I even thinking? He was probably  fed up with me, giving no reason as to my sudden disappearance. I just left with a drawer still full of clobbers and a broken heart left in my path.

"Oh fuck off then, won't you? I wasn't going to let him or you get your way. Why don't you bother me on some other day, yeah? It's Christmas. Have some proper decency." I bit back, finally freeing my arm from Kronos' steel hold, watching him calmly smooth out the wrinkled material of his tacky suit.

I had the upper hand; I knew something Kronos didn't know that I did. The attitude and sheer challenge I exuded was all warranted, and soon enough he'd come to regret tossing me around as if I were a broken toy.

"My my, feeling bold in the most peculiar way, aren't we little Bishop! Y'know, this whole spot of trouble has finally given you some character. You've got some grit you you!" Kronos jeered at my expense, shoving me with rough hands to the tops of my shoulders.

I shrieked as my back hit a brick wall, my head colliding with the tough rock with a smack. That was going to leave a rough spot.

"Augh! I've done nothin' wrong! I got a job, I'm away from the boys, and I've been searchin' high and low for that goddamned ring." I groaned as Kronos cackled maniacally, letting me go as he smoothly pulled out a bifter from the inner pocket of his coat.

"Got a light, dear?" Kronos asked with a flash of the chaotic energy that his eyes possessed and I quickly shook my head in dissension.

"No, I don't smoke." I supplied, wincing as Kronos snapped his fingers and a small ball of fire appeared above his right thumb.

"What a soft lass you are hm? No smokes? It seems like your man does quite a bit of it, wouldn't you agree?" Kronos mocked me and I felt my body seize up. If he was aiming at the fact that I couldn't do anything to stop him from dying, then very well he was succeeding.

I'd known that I can't stop the futures trajectory, maybe just slightly slow it down just a tad perhaps. I'll take whatever wiggle room I could get.

"Perhaps. But maybe you don't know him half as well as I do."

Kronos gnawed his teeth together in annoyance, I knew I was getting to him. Sinking my own claws into his immortal, unyielding flesh as he had done to me the moment I landed in 1962.

"Want to bet, yeah?" Kronos said, as if a light bulb switched on in his head, a terribly frightening idea coming out of the woodworks.

"I don't gamble." I hissed, rubbing the back of my badly rounded head, feeling for any blood or significant gashes in my scalp.

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