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"ARE YOU sure I'm welcome at this party, George?" I asked once over as I flattened out the front of the dress I wore to Mendips on Christmas Eve.

George was perched on my bed with a pair of my flats lying in his lap, and he examined me with an amused expression.

"Of course love! Yer the only person I'd like to be around any who. If ye weren't welcome, that means I'm not either." He quipped and I rolled my eyes lovingly as I looked back into the mirror that was tacked onto the back of my dresser.

The old thing was probably from the late 19th century and was in this bizarre butterfly shape, but it was unique and got the job done.

"I never got to give ye the Christmas gift I'd gotten you." George said after a beat of silence, and my heart dropped into my stomach. He'd gotten me a gift?

I turned around with my upper lip quivering. "You got me a present, Geo? Oh you shouldn't have..." George got up and walked towards me with his hand reaching into his trouser pocket.

He pulled out a long rectangular black box and opened it to reveal a silver locket. I gasped in shock as he brought it around my neck and clasped it with soft, deft fingers.

"So you'll never forget me, yeah?" His arms wrapped around my neck from behind and opened the locket to reveal a small photograph of us from EMI studios when I'd first came with them to record Please Please Me.

We were both in each other's arms, bent over in laughter with our eyes scrunched up in happiness. It was a photograph that I don't remember being taken of us; it was truly a candid.

"How could I ever forget you, George?" I said softly, gazing at my locket that was surely going to remain around my neck for the rest of my natural life.

"When yer back in the future land of yours, ring me, 'Kay? I'll come a knockin' the second my name passes your beautiful lips." George murmured into my ear and then I really became choked up.

He couldn't know his fate. It was too dangerous. Too devastating.

"Yeah, of course George love. But don't go searchin' for totsie Juliet in the noughties. She won't know you yet, since I'm changin' the passage of time 'nd all. Before I'm even born." I rambled nervously, to keep the tears that threatened to fall at bay.

George pressed achingly tender kisses to the base of my neck and then upwards towards the soft spot behind the lobe of my ear.

"Ah but for the better, yea? I'd be old and grey by the time you wisen up." George mused as I allowed myself to shack up with our fantasy. It seemed easy enough to allow him to have this moment of reassurance, that one day we'd be together again after my time in his present ends.

"Still bloody handsome, no doubt. I'd feel all the same for you as I do this very moment, with you young and hip." I admonished, nuzzling into George's affectionate kisses.

"Well this young and hip laddie thinks that his girl looks positively smashing. Just... wow." George took a gander at me with a not so discrete lick of his lips and a thorough scan with his sensual eyes. Oh man does he do it for me. George makes it incredibly difficult for me not to jump his bones when he looks at me the way that he does...

"Keep sweet talkin' me like that Harrison, 'nd we'll miss the party." I murmured in a hazy fog of lust, staring at him through the reflection of the mirror.

"Baby, I'd be more than chuffed to not go at all." I could almost feel the urge threatening to break free; my resolve against doing the horizontal mambo with George Harrison, my boyfriend, was fading embarrassingly fast.

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