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"GOOD LORD Ringo! Georgie brought a bird home?" John cried out in astonishment, taking a bite of the sausage he had made for breakkie. Well, now it's not technically breakkie, seeming as it was almost 1 in he afternoon.

Ringo nodded, but continued to read his newspaper. Frustrated, John and Paul continued to badger their drummer.

"Come on Ritchie, what did she look like?" Paul prodded and Ringo shrugged.

"Rather lovely I suppose. I have a gear idea- why don't you see for ya self when they come back home, yeah?" Ringo suggested, not feeling up to answering Paul and John's assault of inquiries.

"Ringo don't be a spoilsport!" John stamped his foot, but then clutched his head in pain. Damn hangover.

Paul scoffed, shoving Ringo in his seat then gathering John and moving him to the living room.

"Come on, John. Let's leave the kennel to lassie."

At that very moment, George and Juliet returned home from their clothing and feminine product expedition, with arms full of any feminine thing you could imagine. For any other bird, this would've been humiliating for George.

But not for Juliet, he didn't mind one bit. He didn't mind watching her twirl around in dresses and pat her bum if some pair of pants didn't fit right.

"George, I'm telling you, these threads are way too cheap. I'm getting the sense that the price of life was a lot more demanding in London." Juliet said pensively, watching as George shrugged with a thoughtful glance.

"I dunno what to tell you, love. I haven't gone shopping for clobbers really. I just wear what I find in my drawers or in Paul's room."

Juliet tilted her head to the side with a confused but adorable expression.

"Paul? Is he in your band? Is Ringo too?"

George smiled and realized he never really filled her in on the nitty gritty details.

"Yeah, he's our drummer. Paul's the bassist and the other lad, John, he's the rhythm guitarist. We're called the Beatles."

The Beatles. Where have I heard that before? Juliet thought to herself, the name of George's band rattling around in her mind.

"Did you always know you wanted to be in the music industry?" Juliet softly asked, swinging the paper back stuffed with clothes around.

George nodded, pulling a ciggie out from his pocket along with a lighter.

"Would you care for a ciggie, love?" He asked as he tugged out another for the girl beside him.

Not wanting to seem rude, she took it and allowed him to light it for her when she placed it in between her lips. She took a long drag and coughed as the hot fumes invaded her lungs. Juliet laughed as George took a smooth drag of his ciggie, and she couldn't handle a sing inhale.

"Are you alright, love? I'm so sorry! I guess now we know ye weren't a smoker." George said, and he couldn't help but smile at Juliet amusedly.

She shook her head, and tried again, the second drag coming much naturally to her. She blew the smoke out of her mouth and savoured the bite the cigarette gave to her.

"Actually, I quite like this. I can be a proper lad like you." Juliet teased, pushing the guitarist playfully.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, and George remembered Juliet's question.

"To answer your question, no. I had heard an Elvis song playing from someone's radio one afternoon when I was riding back from school. I took to music then instantly. I was fourteen."

She nodded and grinned to herself and thought. How lucky was I to have landed in the arms of someone so caring and thoughtful? Never in a million years would I have scored a fellow like him in my day... my day?

Wait, what is the date?

"George, if you don't mind me asking, what's the date?" Juliet asked in a sharp voice, her heart hammering in her chest. Something hadn't seemed right.

"November 15th I believe, why? Is there something the matter?" George stopped them both with his arm and Juliet kept her eyes trained on the wet concrete.

"What year?"

George took out his cigarette and smashed it with the heel of his boot and Juliet asked the question again.

"What's the year, George?"

"1962... Juliet, is your head on straight?"

George's voice faded into nothingness around her as she was engulfed by a series of bells ringing in her ear. The entire world melted around her and she realized why she looked so weird and hadn't remembered a thing.

She didn't belong here.

George was George Harrison.

She time traveled right into the arms of a dead Beatle.

With all of her memories surging back to her, her vision became spotty and the world faded to black.


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