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IT WAS nearly nightfall by the time Juliet was able to collect herself, leaving the three other Beatles to wonder. George felt terribly for Juliet's earth shattering predicament, but at the same token, had no conceivable idea how to help the poor girl.

Exiting the room that Juliet and George holed up in for her to talk about her dilemma, John first spotted the two and was able to take a decent look at the troubled young girl.

"George, ya didn't tell me ya have quite the talent!" He cackled, and Juliet's lips curled into a meager grin.

George took her small and dainty hand into his rather large and slender one, and tangled their fingers together in solidarity. Juliet took the subtle gesture to heart, her fondness for the guitarist growing exponentially. The contact of his skin to hers caused Juliet's heart to leap to the moon.

She knew it was wrong to develop feelings for a man when she knew it wouldn't work, but if it weren't for her pressing issue, she'd pursue it.

John watched Juliet walk with hungry eyes, his milky almond-shaped eyes tracking the length of her legs.

"Ah don't mind Lennon love, you'll soon come to realize he'll say any jarg jus' to get into some birds' knickers." George jibed, knocking a soft elbow into Juliet's side. She laughed for the first time, and George fell in love with the sound of her angelic giggle.

John made a face at the youngest beatle but kept his attention fixed on the angel before him.

"How come I've never seen you 'round, Jules? Surely Georgie here would jump at the chance to show you off." John asked Juliet as the three of them migrated to the living area where Paul sat on the floor with Ringo and drummed out tunes on the floor.

Juliet shrugged, but responded before George could make up some bullshit for the two of them.

"Ah but he has, maybe you haven't been paying enough attention." Juliet quipped at the notoriously sarcastic Lennon, earning a cheeky grin from him.

Adoring her wit, John pressed on to challenge the bird who sat with her boyfriend.

"Hm, I'll deffo attend to you more, yeah? Juliet come on this isn't a brothel!" John yipped as Juliet laid her legs across George's lap, adding another act to their couple cover.

Sure, Juliet had her memory back, but she had another secret to protect. Her true identity, and her timeline. Until she could recover that ring, she had to remain with George and the rest of the lads. Juliet didn't mind the prospect of posing as George Harrison's girlfriend, but she worried that they'd both grow too attached and she'll never find a way to get back home.

Juliet shot a dubious look at John, rolling her eyes as Ringo made a face.

"Lay off, John. Don't frighten the girl." Ringo remarked and Paul snickered.

"Can't help it, he's naturally just terrifying."

"Macca, keep jabbin' and I'll rearrange your pretty little chompers." John snapped humorously, entertaining Juliet.

She hadn't realized the Beatles' chemistry was this visible in the early days, they were a hoot. Washed with sadness, she remembered John's horrible future demise and winced. George noticed the subtle change in Juliet and placed a comforting hand on her knee, a gesture she greatly appreciated.

George Harrison could never be selfish, Juliet deduced, too bad we can't actually be something.

"Aye lads, come off it! You just met me girl and yer already makin' her run for the hills!" George chimed in with his thick scouse accent, laughing along with Juliet.

"Ah then she's fair play?" John suggested with the arching of his thick brow and the girl scrunched up her nose and decided to pull a classic girlfriend act.

Tossing her legs off of George's lap, she curled up into his side and he instinctively wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.

"I'm only takin' off if my monkey runs along with me."

For dinner, the lads and Juliet decided on pub food. Even though it was dead grotty, it was all they could afford now that they've been scrapping all of their money towards their recent record deal with Capitol.

Shoving a chip inside her mouth, Juliet ate with no discretion. The last time she ate was a biscuit at her flat... nearly 50 years into the future.

George, being the gentleman Juliet deigned him to be, ate at the same speed as Juliet to make sure she didn't feel embarrassed. The two sat next to each other, hip to hip, both exchanging glances every few seconds to see who could fit as many chips into their mouths.

"Sefen!" Juliet said, covering her mouth as she chewed.

George rolled his eyes and tried his best to scoff with his mouth full.

"Chil's Play! 'v go' eigh'!"

Watching the two go at it, Paul leaned over into John's ear as Ringo got up to use the loo.

" 'Ve never heard George speak this much in me entire life." Paul said incredulously, taking a sip from his pint.

John picked at his chips with jealously, watching as George and Juliet got on like no other.

"It's her, y'know? She susses it out of the lad. They get on better than a dog with a bone!" Paul joked, cracking up at his pun. John pretended to chuckle at Paul's quip but he only stared at Juliet with fascination.

She was this pure, untamed beauty that had a mind of her own. John Lennon, the wise ass, had a crush on his lad's girlfriend.

Finishing first in their unspoken chip eating contest, George slammed down his fist onto the wooden table with a triumphant grunt.

"Cor blimey! You're the worst! Couldn't you have let me win, just to please me?" Juliet pouted with a cheeky grin, and George responded with his hand flying to his mouth to stifle a burp.

"Sorry, love, but to do that, I'd have to take you out first." 

George smiled with a devilish glint in his dark swirling eyes and Juliet huffed and shoved the youngest beatle.

"I'll get you!"

"No you won't, darling, I'm too slick to be caught by the likes of you."

"Watch me."

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