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"GEORGE PLEASE, let me get changed out of these clobbers! My skirt go' the jam from the cafe still on it!" Juliet whined as the cheeky git of a lead guitarist kept kissing the back of her neck incessantly. Well, Juliet really didn't mind. But what she did mind was the fact she'd been in her cute pale yellow paisley print dress and tights since the day before.

"See tha' is where I come in, yeah? I can help ye get your clothes off." George purred, causing his love to erupt into giggles.

"Remind me to get you to use that sexy voice of yours again some other time... but just wait out here you fiend! I'll be out in a skip." Juliet laughed as she pushed George out of her way playfully and darted into her room without even looking up to notice if anyone was there before her.

"Oh luv I can assure you, I'll be waiting."

"Well since you denied his help, I'm here at your service." John said out loud, breaking the silence that had peacefully settled over the young girl.

Juliet nearly screamed but instead her hand flew to her mouth where she bit on it to stifle the slew of less than appropriate phrases from escaping her mouth.

"What are you doin' here! How'd you even get in?" The startled time traveler said in a hushed whisper type of yell, pushing John away from the door with two open hands to his broad chest.

She wasn't sure why she felt like she was being caught with her hand in the biscuit tin by the way John had found her, but Juliet felt oddly ashamed to be caught with George. Especially since she was only just moaning about how it was so awful to leave him and how she made the best decision to protect him. The lies and the hypocrisy was a lot for the young woman to keep up with.

"A good day to ye too then, ey? Heard about the good news with little mister Harrison, you sure have been makin' a steady business by chuffin' the poor mate up." John sneered with a scowl on his lips, raising his voice a bit higher that need be.

"Well... it was a happy reunion. He found me in a rather arse over tit spot."

"Speaking literally now aren't we?" John snapped and Juliet's once hazy smile quickly went sour. Definitely forgotten how spiteful John Lennon could be.

"Answer my question. Why are you here?" Juliet pressed on with her hands to her hips and her brown eyes narrowed into interrogative slits.

John walked a circle around the irate little woman with a smug expression, checking out the limited items she had amassed during her time here in 1962.

"I came to check up on ye, is that a capital offense? Must I be put away to the star chamber?" John said in a mocking voice that had only put Juliet more on edge than before. John Lennon was one hell of a man. He was enough substance to make Juliet grind her teeth and wish that she could use the heel of her shoes to persuade Lennon out of the door.

"John, I'm alright. Don't fuss over me. I've got a separate plan in motion for how I'm going to deal." Juliet took a deep breath and answered calmly, realizing she was getting worked up over nothing. Why did John grind her gears more than any other person she'd ever met? And why was she just discovering this now?

"I jus' think its a poor idear to get involved with Georgie Porgie here... well unless yknow, ye were planning on stayin'?" John offered up his own word of counsel, to which Juliet only dismissed.

"You know that's not an option John. George and I are workin' to the last stroke of midnight to get my arse sent back to 2016. This is still all about protectin' him, and the last time I checked, it was about protectin' ye too!" Juliet began to become impatient, she had been in her room for too long without checking in with George on the outside. She figured she had less than three minutes before George got suspicious and would come in to inspect.

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