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"SO, LOVE, I was thinking that since you've lost your memory and all," George began his proposition, yanking an earnest smile from Juliet.

"Yeah, you'd think one would forget about that."

George quickly came to his defense and continued to speak.

"You could stay with me- well I mean us. Surely the lads wouldn't mind." George sputtered, barely able to keep himself from blushing like a flustered teen.

Juliet chuckled at his reaction, but seriously put thought to the idea. I haven't a clue to my real identity, much less where I belonged.

"I'd like that, George. Thank you, so much for all the kindness you've shown to me. I'm sorry to have put you in this tough spot." Juliet admitted, tilting her head down in shame.

Oddly, she felt a sense of deja vu, feeling as if she'd been here before. It wasn't a memory, but a feeling. Intuition.

"It's no trouble at all, love. I'm just glad you're alright is all. I found you in a distressing situation." George said to Juliet, causing her to lift up her head with a curious glance.

"How did you find me?"

"On the stoop of someone's flat. You were out cold." George said, omitting the part where she'd woken up in a trance.

Juliet's lips form an 'o', and before she could continue her inquiries, Ringo called out to the two.

"Kettle's on!"

"So... where ya from, Jules? Georgie here hasn't told me much about you." Ringo asked the yawning girl, and she glanced over at George for desperate assistance.

"Oh, Juliet's from London. Westminster." George provided for her, and Juliet identified with the city of London. A memory came rushing back to her and she remembered her hometown. Marylebone.

"Actually, I'm from Marylebone." She chided, and George broke out into a shy smile.

She remembered.

"Ah, a southerner. Georgie let your girlfriend speak for herself, she's got a working pair of lips." Ringo said with a cheeky wink, and both George and Juliet responded with a blush. Ringo assumed that they were together, they had a tangible chemistry.

Juliet thought it to be a good cover for her, to pose as George's girl. Well, just until she regained her memories.

"I would know." George said, going on with the cover without even thinking twice. The two were already in sync with each other, but didn't even notice.

Juliet wanted to ask what they did for a  living, but it would be suspicious. If she was 'dating' George, she would have to know sooner or later.

"How come I've never seen you around for our shows? Georgie here's got monkey fingers, always showing us up with his guitar skills." Ringo jibed, watching as Juliet subtly smirked at George.

George and Juliet met eyes, silently exchanging expressions, plotting their next move.

"I do, I'm just always at the back. I like to have a good view of my little monkey." Juliet teased with a coy smile, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Ringo shrugged with agreement, and took a sip from his piping hot tea.

"Hey love, fancy a stroll around Liverpool this morning? I thought you'd like to pick up some new threads." George suggested, and Juliet suddenly noticed her strange attire.

Loose and torn jeans, and a satin slip top with a white lacy bralette. Juliet looked rather off.

"It's not that you don't look dashing, love, it's a bit chilly." George saved himself sheepishly, blushing as he extended a hand over to Juliet.

She took it, intertwining their fingers for the first time ever. It felt as if their worlds collided, and an epic explosion had transpired. It took all of her strengths to not sigh at his soft touch, and George to not kiss her at this very moment.

She does teach the torches to burn bright... my Juliet and I her Romeo.

After putting on a very satisfying show for Ringo, both George and Juliet escaped the small flat before John and Paul could wake. George knew that once either of the two egotistical lads set their sights on Juliet, they wouldn't ever leave her be.

Wrapped up in George's wooly jumper and overcoat, Juliet was still shivering as they found an alley of shops mid-Liverpool.

"So, if I can't tell you about myself, why dontcha tell me about you." Juliet prompted, and George sucked in a breath through his teeth.

Stealing a sideways glance, George grinned at the radiant girl and complied. He was rendered completely powerless under her charm.

"I was born and grown here, in Liddypool. I've got a sister and 2 brothers. I've led an average life up until the last few years, meeting John was probably the only reason why I hadn't gone into the military or something grotty like that." George said, and Juliet listened intently. Surely there's more behind the curtain.

"John? Who's that?" Juliet chided, and George winced.

"Bandmate. Mate. Met him back in '58, I reckon. Complete loon, but mad genius when it comes down to the wire." George's not known to be talkative, but being around Juliet makes him want to talk and never shut up.

She giggled in a response and proceeded to ask George about his musical career.

"Band, yeah? What's the name? What kind of music do ya play? What kind of guitar?" She said in rapid fire, unable to contain her curiosity. George laughed at her childlike behavior, but adored it all the same.

Everything was new and wonderful to Juliet, despite having nothing and no one.

"Alright, cool it with the inquisition." George teased and Juliet apologized with a hot face.

"I'm sorry I just- if we're going to be pulling this fake girlfriend heist, I want to know you. But I mean, even if we weren't trying to create this master foolproof plan, I'd still love to know you. You look so familiar and I can't put my finger on it-"

George laughed, cutting her off and took her hand in his, to let her know he was only kidding.

"Love, relax. If we're going to make it work, might as well go through the motions, yeah?"

Juliet took a deep breath and smiled sheepishly, but nodded in agreement. Okay, we can do this.

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