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"WHAT DID my lil dove do while she was away?" George asked me as he snuggled me into the crook of his arm, my arm slung over the expanse of his classic white button down chest.

We'd made it back to my flat, eventually. After of course, making a few pit stops in inky black corners of shoppes and buildings to snog each other silly. There weren't any people lagging about at all anyways, so the streets didn't mind.

The poignant warning of Kronos tossed and long forgotten at the taste of my lover's lips.

I giggled as I used my fingers like legs to walk up and down the valley of his chest, enjoying the very touch and nearness of him. I suppose he's not my faux lover anymore.

"Well y'know. Casual runaway stuff. Getting a job, this flat. Learning how to survive only on tea and biscuits." I said softly, feeling rather touchy about it since we haven't really paused our snogging delights to really yap.

"My luv you are something else, by god's name." George chuckled, placing a hot kiss to my temple. I scooted upwards to lean on my elbows to take a good look at him, preparing myself for what I was about to say.

"George I- I'm so sorry, my love. I thought by leaving I'd be somehow protecting you more." I whimpered, George coming up quickly to my defense with soft murmurs of dissension.

"No no, none of that my dove. I understand, I do. It took me a good while to really get me head fully on it but I see it now. But we're a team, you 'nd I. Proper partners in crime, yeah? Figure ye and I could protect each other better if we're always cheek to cheek." George explained to me, fully forgiving me for my sudden and silent departure.

Despite the forgiveness, I still felt a lingering sensation of guilt and dishonesty. I was hiding quite a few pieces of information from George, including, but not limited to my Christmas Eve with John.

"What did you and the boys do while I was gone?" I asked tentatively, pushing aside all guilty gut feelings. Instead I focused brushing up the sides of George's grown out hair with a featherlight touch.

"Oh well we hit a spot in Hamburg for a while, at the Kaiserkeller club. We didn't really stay too long, only a week and a half and we'd had enough. I spent my time looking for ye, aside from my stint in Germany."

His eyes were so full of love and hope for us, and my heart broke just a bit more for knowing that one day I'm going to have to leave him once more, but for good.

But for now, all I could do was love him until my clock ran up.

"I don't deserve you, George. I truly don't. I love you so much, you know tha?" I said to him, finally saying I love him to his real self.

And by god it felt so good to say it out loud.

George's eyes lit up with excitement, using his long arms to tug me up to where I could be nose to nose with him. His smile spread from ear to ear, exposing his vampiric fangs as he let out a cute little snicker.

"I love you too my sweet love, god I finally get to say that to ye after so long. And I get to do this,"

He leaned down and pecked me on the lips, and I whined as he separated from me.

"One more?" I batted my eyes and stuck out my pouty lip, working him over as he wiggled his brows suggestively.

"Ah but are you sure you want just one more? Not even two?" George teased and I gasped in mock hurt.

"My word Mister Harrison, quite the naughty lad are we?" I leaned in and pressed another searing kiss to his snog blushed lips, and George groaned happily.

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