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"BRIAN, MEET Juliet." George introduced his 'girl' to the new manager of the Beatles, Brian Epstein. Much to Epstein's surprise, he found himself taking a liking to the girl, and he was quite taken aback by her.

She stuck out her hand confidently and they exchanged firm handshakes, and Epstein was impressed. However, he'd expressly forbid the boys from having any relations. Mainly to have the fans to view them as single and obtainable, therefore more crowds of young girls.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Epstein. I'd like to thank you for all that you've been doing for the boys... I'm sure they'll be able to thank you back sometime in the future." Juliet said, foreshadowing the future a bit to George, who noticed the cheerful sparkle in her eyes.

George kept a strong arm around her waist, holding her hip to hip with him. Juliet's heart was almost flying at the intimate closeness with George, she could almost swoon.

George, reciprocated the same feelings as his 'girl'. He'd never felt this level of happiness in his entire life, and it was all because he had his arm around the slim waist of the girl out of time.

Grow a pair, Harrison! Tell the bird you fucking adore her!

George was mild mannered to the bone, but if only people could hear the inner workings of his mind.

"I'm very hopeful that they will." Brian answered Juliet as she kept her gaze broad on the new flat the boys were to share now that they were in London.

"Alright enough of the waterworks! Come 'ed! Let's see the flat!" Paul whined, dragging George and Juliet to the front lawn as Brian trailed behind them with John and Ringo.

Juliet, with an excited expression, turned her head with a bright smile to George, who melted under it.

"This is so gear, George! I can't believe this is actually happening." Juliet said breathlessly, tugging him along as they entered the front door of the new flat.

Astonished, all the boys noted that it was quite larger than their current one, and they now had space to jam in the living room.

George was the only Beatle who couldn't marvel at the new flat Brian had scored them, he was too busy admiring Juliet. With a childlike expression of wonder and eyes so wide they looked practically unreal, she was a sight to behold.

"Yeah, its gear."

"So run that bit by me once more, love." George requested from Juliet, who was rummaging through the different boxes of rings that belonged to the antique store she bought her ring from.

"I'm assuming that since the ring is old, it might've been here when you guys were around- well, it should be here now." Juliet said dismissively with a shrug, and George furrowed his brow as his long fingers dug through the box of assorted rings, looking for the one Juliet described.

They didn't really speak to each other much as Juliet kept most of her concentration pinned onto getting the ring and sending herself back, but George couldn't bare it any longer.

" 'm sorry for gobbing off at you like that the other night, love." He apologized, snapping Juliet from her intense concentration. Her head lifted slowly, and a few strands of her brown hair falling from her bun and into her eyes.

She titled her head slightly to take a good gander at the youngest Beatle and she giggled at his cuteness. He didn't do anything wrong, but she found it quite adorable that he felt the need to apologize.

He was the gentlemen she'd always thought he was.

"George, it's okay. I'm over it. And besides.." She trailed off as she began to poke through another pile of rings.

Glancing back up at him, Juliet's eyes sparked with mischief.

"Seeing you mad was... sexy."

Both George and Juliet's cheeks tinted red at this, and George tugged at the collar of his shirt and cleared his throat.

"I uh- if we're goin' ta list off turn ons then I might as well say tha' yer perfume smells otherworldly." George said strongly, although his voice was a bit wobbly.

He'd never really flirted with a girl on this sort of level before, and Juliet seemed rather experienced, so he allowed for once for her to take point.

"You picked it out, remember? And is that wot this is? A game of turn ons?" Juliet asked with a haughty laugh, smirking to herself as George returned the smile with equal tenacity. Feeling much more confident now that Juliet hadn't made fun of him, he proceeded more brazenly.

"Wot better way d'ya have ta kill the time?"

Biting her lip, she conceded in defeat and nodded at George's assertion.

"Long hair." George added, and Juliet 'hmmphed' at the new found tidbit.

"Strong arms."

"Soft skin."

"Big hands."

"Full lips."

"Ciggie habit."

George's eyebrows raised at that one, and he became more sapient at naming off his turn ons.





"50 years younger than me." George blurted out, and then realized suddenly what it meant.

Juliet keeled over in a fit of laughter, watching George's face go violently red. Me. I turn him on. Me... but the way he said it was gold.

"George" "you" "are" "my" "favourite" Juliet managed to wheeze out in between her fits of laughter, and George tried to cover up his evident embarrassment and dove back into his hunt for her ring.

There goes my one attempt at being flirtatious.

Seeing that George had significantly backed off from their little endeavor, Juliet recollected herself and wiped away her tears of laughter and placed a hand over George's.

"If it makes you feel any better, I happen to have a thing for a man who's 50 years older than me." Juliet said with a coy smile, and George dared to pursue who the man was.

"Yeah? Who's the lucky bloke?"



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