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"I'LL TAKE the couch downstairs and you can crash here on me bed, sound swell?" George offered me kindly, and I furrowed my brow at him and I shook my hand in refusal.

"No way José, I'm not taking bed commando. I'll snatch the couch, and ya can sleep pretty on the bed, yeah?" I settled it, and George sighed in resignation.

" 'No way José?' Is that a posh term people use in your time?" George asked with a bewildered smile and I laughed at his inquiry. Too cute.

"Yes, George." I said, as my eyes fell to the floor to the bags of the clobbers I bought earlier.

"George," I began, my eyes flitting back up to meet his. Before I could get lost into the bottomless pools of chocolate, I proceeded to ask my question that I've been itching to ask him.

"Don't you want to know about the future?"

George shifted on his feet, diverting his gaze from mine as he plopped down on the edge of his bed. He patted a seat beside him and I complied as he began to remove his boots.

"Not entirely. What's the point of it being my future if I can expect it to happen? It's almost like telling a bloke you're about to serve a round into his honker in an hour, y'know?" George explained and I nodded in understanding.

"That's a wise thing to say, especially for a 19 year old." I said in response, and George chuckled as he leaned into me with his shoulder.

"How could I forget? You have all of the juicy and intimate details of my life up yer sleeve!" George chided and I shook my head, my eyes scrunching up and I waved my hands in my defense.

"No no! I don't know everything... but I do know when you first began to learn guitar, you fiddled with it and a screw came loose and you messed it up and hid it in your cupboard until one of your brothers fixed it and you listened to records to learn some of the chords." I said to him, hopefully not revealing my beatlemania. Oh wait, they haven't gotten there yet.

George stared at me with complete astonishment, his eyes blown wide and his mouth open ajar.

" 'ow could you possibly know tha'? Peter and I never told anybody." George said in disbelief but then did a double take.

"Maybe the damned future me did!" He said in an adorable accusation and I giggled.

I shrugged and flipped some of my hair over my shoulder.

"Now I can't verify that for you but... probably."

George ran a hand through his dark hair, stopping midway as he was overcome into thought.

"Do we make it?" George asked me softly, shyly turning his head to match my gaze.

I bit my lip in an apprehensive manner. I didn't want to reveal his future and then fuck up the timeline and cause some major changes in time. But I also didn't want him to give up on the lads, they'd worked so hard and just barely got Ringo on board.

"Yes, but you can't go on and blab about it to John or Paul!" I said, warning George as a smile blossomed on his cheeks, revealing almost hidden dimples.

"This is major, Juliet! Holy Christ- we're gonna reach the toppermost of the poppermost!" George cheered, bounding onto me with his arms wide open.

We both fell back onto the bed in a tangle, laughing at his aloof nature and I realized he was only the quiet Beatle because Paul and John dominate the spotlight. Although he was shy and mild-mannered, if you got him into it, he could talk your ear off without stopping to breathe.

The sun had thawed out my frozen skin, illuminating parts of my pale complexion as it rose up in the sky. After rubbing my eyes, I noticed I wasn't on the couch, but I was under the covers, in the bed of George Harrison.

He lied beside me in a fetal-like position, with his arms outstretched. His mouth hung open a wee bit as he breathed, his lips a rose petal pink.

We'd talked until 2 am, and I'm almost certain that I was the first to crash. George refused to let me sleep on the couch as I refused to steal the comfort of his bed. So we settled on sharing his bed, which it turns out was a couple thing to do.

I watched George sleep with a soft gaze, learning the detail of the curve of his arms and the angle of his jaw. He had a dark stubble on his cheeks, signaling that it was time to shave. His hair was too short at the moment to be as wild as it would be if it were longer, but it didn't stop it from sticking up in odd places.

As if on cue, his eyes moved underneath his lids and he opened them slowly, focusing on me as I stared in awe.

A slow grin crept across his face as he closed his eyes once more and groaned.

"Is it your hobby, watching Beatles sleep?" George mumbled and I flushed in an astounding embarrassment.

I shook my head and fell back onto the pillow that was now ice cold.

"No! I woke up just minutes ago!" I defended and George nodded his head with a short laugh.

"Eh, I guess it's payback of some sorts. I watched you sleep for a while last night too."

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