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"You think you're that clever? Please, I'm Kronos! God of time, do you think a passing fancy like yourself could out wit me with my ring?" The devilish looking man, known as Kronos threatened me evilly, the skin over his knuckles stretched taut.

I shrugged but dared to defy him once more. I had time traveled back to 1962, and broke the ring. I had nothing else to lose.

"You can bet I'm going to try." I answered with grit, biting the inside of my cheek with contempt.

Kronos had me pinned to a brick wall in a rather ghastly alleyway, and it had just begun to lightly drizzle. As the cloud cover rolled in.

"Do you have any conception of what you have done, Bishop?" I flinched at the use of my last name.

I daringly held my ground and remained silent, despite his close proximity. I was really putting my ass on the line here, one more wrong misstep and I could be ancient history.

"ANSWER ME!" Kronos shouted hoarsely into my face and I grimaced. His bright red irises frightened me into submission and I obliged.

"It was an accident, I swear. Just please, send me back." I begged him, stooping to a level I never thought I would. I was above begging, but I wasn't about to be beaten nine ways to Sunday by an ancient deity.

Backing away from me with a sinister smirk, Kronos held out his arms in a grand manner and chuckled maliciously. My back twisted in chills at the sound of his laughter, and I gulped in fear.

He brushed a gloved hand through his spiky red hair, and closed his eyes in contemplation. He moved his hand to the red lapel of his black trench coat, and with his other hand he tapped his staff that had an infinity symbol carved atop of it.

"A year. I'm giving you a year in this time. If you manage to find my ring once again and send yourself sailing back to Timbuktu, all is forgiven. But if not, I will track you down here, and kill you before you can wreak havoc."

All the breath was sucked out from my body like a vacuum of space. A year. That's not enough. My face lost its colour at this grim prophecy.

"And don't think I'm not being generous, human. I could be cruel and give you a day. Don't mistake me for my lesser counterparts, I'm not a pushover." I assumed he was referencing his other godly relatives.

I clamped my mouth shut to keep myself from crying out for my mother. It was hard to believe I landed myself in such a supernatural situation.

"Do you accept these terms, Juliet Bishop? Or would you prefer me to send your ass downstairs at this very moment?" Kronos asked me threateningly, and I nodded vigorously, too choked up to respond.

"Your time starts now, Juliet Bishop. I'll be lingering. And don't think I won't be watching you."

Before I could react, he placed two cold fingers to the square of my forehead and my vision went black.

Bolting up awake, sobbing my eyes out, I hyperventilated at the nightmare I had. I had a year to find that ring. A year to live. My life was on a clock, ticking away before my eyes.

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