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Render him useless, but not powerless as to not throw the whole universe into disarray. But aren't those one and the same?  Juliet thought, gripping at her head for a possible solution to her current crisis.

Paul was sitting on the couch in Juliet and George's shared room, his head in his hands, occasionally murmuring and voicing his thoughts before quickly silencing himself- clearly not completely processing the whole ordeal quite yet. Ringo was laying flat on his stomach on the bed, Juliet sitting at the edge of it right near his feet. The poor drummer was not only hungover, but experiencing reality altering events. Juliet thought it might help if he took a rest whilst her and John but their noses together and brainstormed ways to find George and take Kronos down a peg- if not defeat him. 

John sat with his arms bundled around his knees on the floor beside Juliet, the musician too deep in thought in regards to his pal and his fancy. Ditch George, go on without him and secure Juliet's heart? Or rescue George, be the hero and perhaps she'll choose me later? 

John shook his head of these selfish and self serving thoughts, but they clung abrasively to him. The task on hand is to save George, thereby saving Juliet. That's all that mattered. Right?

The same loop of thoughts ran through Juliet's mind incessantly, driving her bloody mad. Why wouldn't that tosser Hades just out with it and tell her all that she needs to know? Surely he knows but is just lying to her just to watch her fall into a descent of insanity as she was now.

Hades could possibly help... oh my god HADES!

"Hades!" Juliet suddenly shouted into the thickly charged air, rattling all three of the Beatles in her room to attention.

"Whattya doin? Have you gone potty?" Paul inquired with a furrowed brow, exchanging looks with his two mates in shared confusion, worry, and concern.

Juliet ignored Paul and quickly paced around the room thinking of a way to summon or at the very least, attract the attention of the God of the Underworld.

"Hades! I know you can hear me! Listen, we need your help. George is in danger. Kronos has got him." Juliet begged in a voice ragged with tears- her mind racing at all the things Kronos could be doing to George this very moment. Torturing him, dehumanizing him, stripping him of what makes him, him.  She'd never forgive herself if she was unable to save George in time. But who was she kidding? The young time traveller's reached beyond the point of no return- she wasn't going to be able to forgive herself anyway.

John got up and grabbed ahold of Juliet's hand in an attempt to draw her back to the present. From all appearances the poor bird was flying off the handle before Lennon's very eyes. This gentle gesture did not go unnoticed by Ringo or Paul- but it would be discussed at a later time.

"Ju, darling, what are you doin' crying out to the God of the Underworld? Take a rest now have a cuppa." John tried to persuade Juliet softly but to no avail, Juliet quickly darted her eyes from their entwined hands to John's prying eyes. She allowed him to hold her hand- another slightly more than friendly touch she's allowed from him today. Juliet was certainly going to have to reconcile her hypocrisy with herself later.

"John- you don't understand. Hades he- he well followed me after I left the cabbie yesterday. He followed me up to my room and gave me some valuable information regarding Kronos- you see Kronos can't see me or the decisions I make. I'm in his blindspot and so is everyone else who is involved with me such as you and the lads. It's apparently properly done him in and I suppose the twisted bastard's had enough." Juliet explained hurriedly as she placed her hands on her hips and furrowed her brow. She tapped her foot against the ground just a few times, electing to ignore the uncomfortable silence that followed.

"Hades, please. Please help me. Help us." Juliet whispered so low, none of the boys heard her lamentation to the god of the underworld.

"You can't keep lying to us anymore, Ju. You lied for months, now look what happened." Paul muttered to Juliet with harbored contempt. After George was safe, and once everyone was well sorted, Paul was going to sit his mate down and have a serious heart to heart with him about his bird who's flown over the cuckoo's nest. 

Juliet was a lovely girl, but she had the devil in her heart. Whether she recognized it or not. 

Tears beaded in the corners of Juliet's pained brown eyes, burning her, scalding her with regret. Her throat constricted like a vice, squeezing her, her stomach twisting uncomfortably feeling the storm coming to a crescendo. 

What could she say aside from pour apologies from the bottom of her soul? They wouldn't mean a single goddamn thing unless she proved to the boys, to George, that they could trust her. The whole truth must come out. 

Juliet realized she might lose all four of her best mates in one fell swoop but it was safer for her to be ostracized than it was for her to condemn them to the same fate. Condemn George to a fate worse than death. A life without what made George, George

The gentle little bird, the beautiful doe eyed lass, lips as pretty as a peach- was damned. 

Suddenly a voice from the doorway of the room disturbed the thick air Paul laid down with his scathingly true comment, causing everyone to freeze. All except Juliet, who nearly cried out in relief. 

"You called?"



I apologize for this weeks chapter, its short and rushed and I dont know how I feel about it. It's not my best content and I'm sorry ! I hope ya'll enjoy xx I have a lot of personal crap going on rn so my updates are a lil sporadic and random but fear not, I have not forgotten about you guys!

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