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October 11, 1963

HER TIME was drawing to a close. An unsatisfying, dreadful, procrastinated close. They haven't found the ring, and they'd searched the entire merseyside, and the entirety of London and it's surrounding cities for it.

To George, all hope was lost. And he felt horribly for being happy that they hadn't found the ring. But he knew what it meant to his love.

Even in Paris, she searched. Every day that passed had brought new horrors. Instead of aging, she went backwards in time. Juliet hadn't noticed her mind starting to go, forgetting her parents' birthdays, her horoscope, just little tidbits that didn't really concern her.

But once she couldn't recall her senior prom or what her middle name was, she realized that something was terribly wrong. George was in denial that the end of their saga was near. Although less than 10 words had been exchanged between them for the past year, he loved her all the same.

Letting her go is what she wanted, and he couldn't deny her.

But he saw the deterioration, he saw the pain behind those luscious brown eyes. George saw Juliet begin to forget, and he saw the girl that he first held in his arms all those months ago and it was terrifying.

The most noticeable slip up was during one of their performances at the Cavern one night. John came bounding off stage and Juliet went from her normal self, to a confused, agitated woman.

"Oh my god, are you John Lennon? Yer dead! How can it be?!" She screamed at him, hysterical as her mind swirled. No that's your John, you know him! He doesn't know you're from the future!

"Love, it's me, John. It's me, yer boyfriend? I'm here, it's okay, don't be afraid." John tried to console the writhing woman beneath him but she struggled.

"I don't know you! I don't have a boyfriend! Where am I? Did you nap me?" You're a time traveler. You're in 1963, The Cavern Club with the Beatles. You need to find the ring. You need to outwit Kronos.

But Juliet didn't listen to herself. She listened to the amnesia that tasted so sweet in her mouth and felt euphoric.

George's world fell apart at the sight of once a head strong, vibrant girl, being reduced to a lifeless heap.

Juliet's hands flew up to her head at the pain of all the different information surging in her mind, she didn't know what to believe.

"Make it stop, make it stop!" People around the distressed Juliet had began to whisper and point and John noticed.

He ushered his girl out of the room and George quickly followed, Juliet thrashing around like a caged animal.

"I love you."

Juliet blinked, and realized she'd fallen asleep waiting on John. The dream she had was rather traumatizing, watching herself behave like an animal from outside of her body.

She promised herself that she would talk to George as soon as John and her returned to the flat. She was determined that her dream wouldn't ever come true.

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