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"George, no!" I cried out, partly laughing. Tugging at the ends of his blazer, I tried to stop him from walking any further into the park that George had convinced me that we just had to go to.

"George, yes!" He retorted, stopping himself in front of a horrifyingly large tree and glancing back at me with mischievous eyes.

"No! No way in cold hell will I be scaling that enormous monster!" I cried out in my defense, and George pouted his lip and began to beg.

"Oh come on darling, for me? Live dangerously just this once?" He batted his mysteriously long eyelashes and made me blush in resistance.

Shaking my head with a firm no, George groaned, making his case one last time.

"Juliet pleeease. Do this for me, your Romeo." He placed his hands over his heart dramatically and I melted under his soft but playful gaze, giving into his pleas.

"Alright! Do you want to lead the way, Tarzan or shall I do the honours?" I pressed with an eye roll and he jeered in excitement, leaning over and pressing a soft feathery kiss to my cheek.

Taking my breath away, my hand flew up to my cheek in shock, my eyes never veering from George's. My heart galugged in my chest with a newfound ardor for the youngest Beatle, and I could still feel the residual warmth of his silky lips.

George's expression shifted momentarily, a sly but satisfied smirk prancing upon his lush lips and his eyes sparkled with something else than just mischief.

"Please, allow me to lead our adventure, dollface." George said with a devilish smile, handing over his guitar case to me and shrugged off his overcoat.

"George, it's damn near freezing out! You'll catch cold!" I scolded him as he began his dangerous climb up the gargantuan tree.

"Oh relax, will you? You sound like me mam, next you'll be babbling on about not wearing me nice threads out to the park." George retorted with a jibing laugh and I almost wanted to shove the bloke.

George Harrison could be outright cynical if he pleased, that's a part of him no one but me would ever be able to have the luck to see.

"Oh yer such a tosser, George Harrison!" I fired back at him with laughter, and he tried to turn his head to gage my reaction but found himself in a pickle as he disappeared in the branches.

"Uh, Juliet, I need help." George sheepishly admitted after a few short but quiet moments, and I giggled. Setting his guitar down at the base of the tree trunk I gazed up and saw George spread out over several limbs, his long legs entangled into different sized branches.

Looking down at me with a humiliated grin, he gestured for me to climb up to reach him and untangle him from his mess up. Being in a proper dress made it rather difficult to begin my venture upwards and I grimaced.

"Are you positive you can't get yourself down? I can't possibly carry your guitar up there!" I shouted up to him and he shook his head incompetently and begged me with his eyes.

"Don't be a spoil sport love! I still want to prove my 'quiet' stereotype wrong!" George yelled back and I groaned at the trouble that was sure to come.

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