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THE NATURALLY curious John Lennon used his selective hearing to listen in on an intimate conversation between George and Juliet, and his ears perked up at the mention of them separating.

"I can't touch you... Kronos said it would affect the future too greatly. George, this won't work. It can't. We can't even pretend to be together, because I know we'll fall for each other." At this John pressed up against the door of his room, his interest substantially piqued.

"In spite of all the danger that may be in me path, I'll do anything for you. I... I'm falling for ya, Juliet. The time we have together is limited but I'm making it count. Right up until we send you home, I'll protect you from all that Kronos sends yer way."

Wait what... falling? This is a sham? John thought hopefully. The chances of the band leader acquiring the girl of his fancy just skyrocketed. But who's Kronos?

John ran a hand through his newly cropped hair with contention, all the new information surging through his head.

"You can't promise that, George. You can't promise safety. You can't promise me I'll be okay. Because I won't. And I will never be." Juliet said forlornly, the unmistakeable pain in her voice was heart breaking to both George and John.

She slinked away from the youngest Beatle, burning with pain. She walked away softly, and George cursed himself for allowing her to. John, hearing that Juliet was slowly making her way upstairs, backed away from his door and he heard a soft rap.

" 'ello? John? It's Juliet." John pretended he wasn't over the moon that she had come to him, to be consoled. George heard this and became furious, grabbing his coat from the floor and storming out of the shared flat in a heated rage.

John opened the door slowly, pretending to be just arisen from sleep. The very sight of Juliet falling to pieces was almost too much for him to bear, her eyes glistening with tears and her hair framing it all.

"Oh, come on in love, what's the matter?" John asked her as she slowly traipsed in, her heart practically oozing out of her chest.

John knew he couldn't make a move at her now, he'd have to find out what Juliet and George were going through first. And find out the identity of this shifty Kronos.

"Thank you." She murmured, walking into the dark room, and sitting on the edge of the bed. Juliet had almost forgotten that she didn't belong here- in 1962 with the Beatles.

She'd gotten on with all of them so well, and her relationship with George was so natural. Her heart had merged with his over the past few weeks, their lives colliding in the most messy but wonderful way. Juliet found herself wondering if she'd found her soulmate within George Harrison, but then she'd have to remind herself it was only a pipe dream.

Once she'd leave 1962, she'd have to put George and her life with him behind her. It was only the right thing to do.

"Would you like a blanket, love? Or a cuppa?" John offered but Juliet shook her head.

"Yer my pal, John, right? You'd tell me if I was pursuing a pipe dream?" She asked him in a raspy voice that oozed with regret.

John contemplated his answer, not wanting to come off as an arse, but not wanting to give himself away.

"Well, since we are best mates, I'd tell you straight up. Love, is yer head on?" John asked her tenaciously, watching as Juliet uncurled before him.

"I just... can't keep it up anymore. It's so hard." She wept, and her confession just confused John even more. Nevertheless, he rushed to her side and comforted her as best as he could.

The rough Beatle shocked himself at his tender behaviour, he wasn't one to ever be the shoulder birds would cry on. He'd be the one to make them cry. Juliet changed him, whether he liked to admit it or not.

"Ta love, what's eating you?" John asked, and Juliet shook her head in refusal. Her brown hair tinted with red in the soft morn light, and it took all the strength John had to not brush it with his fingers.

"I can't tell you, even if I wanted to. God- I just want to go home. But I can't be without him..." Juliet murmured as John brought a heavy arm around her. She leaned into John's foreign warmth, circling his arms around his robust chest.

His arms, his heat, his scent... were all of remarkably different to that of George's. George always smelled of ciggies, cinnamon, and the slightest of coffee. A scent that Juliet loved with all of her heart.

John... smelled of mint, shaving cream and a very spicy smelling cologne. Even the way his body gave off heat differed from George. George's heat came from the length of his strong and protective arms, and John's center of heat came from his chest.

John pretended that for a minute, Juliet was all his. A girl reeling from a heartbreak from no good bifter, and she needed to be shown that he was the one for her. John Lennon was going to woo Juliet.

"Come 'ed love, we're going to the cinema!" John said chipperly to Juliet, shaking her excitedly, trying to rile her up.

"Oh John I don't think..." Juliet trailed off, but then bit down on her lip. Harrison's not the one. She heard Kronos' words in her head, reverberating in her chest painfully.

Maybe it was John. Maybe it was John who I was destined to be with, destined to send me home.

"Yeah, that sounds gear." Julie said, wiping away tears from her eyes.

"Grand! Let me just get outta these darn old clobbers, and we'll catch a train to London. Sound 'right?" John asked Juliet with an undeniable grin, and she nodded.

"Can't wait! Let me get changed too; I've been wearing this all day..." Juliet said with a sigh and slowly walked out of John's room and down the hall to the one she shared with George.

Her sadness mimicked the way leaves fell from trees, silently, and slowly, but inherently noticeable. Her heart ached with the idea of having to... distance George until she left.

But it needed to be done. She didn't have much time left, it was already December 1st.

Time was her eternal enemy, and it always will be. She could never really outrun it, nor hide from it. The trickster that is time will catch up with her, and the consequences will be fatal.

Unsure if she was really ready to own up to this startling truth, Juliet ignored the nagging pit in her tummy and proceeded to get dressed for her day out with John Lennon.

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