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"GEORGE, THINK about it. Take yer precious time, by all means." Ringo said once more to the youngest Beatle, tempting him to reconsider purchasing a flat with him in Knightsbridge.

George shifted in his spot beside the kitchen counter and rubbed the bridge of his nose in thought. He was caught in between a rock and a hard place, surely he didn't have enough funds to pay half the rent to share a flat with Ringo, and he'd have to ask Juliet if she was even okay with the very idea of it.

George cursed himself and reminded himself that she wasn't really his girl, only just a very close friend that needed his help to return back to her normal time. But do close friends tell each other that they turn them on?

"Alright, Rings. Give me some time, yeah? Don't do me head in if I say no." George said to his friend and Ringo shook his head with an aloof smile.

"Of course, Georgie!" Ringo responded with a chipper attitude, his blue eyes flitting up to the staircase where he saw Juliet creeping down them. She noticed that Ringo had spotted her, and she placed a tricky finger over her lips, telling him to hush up with her eyes.

The devilish Juliet's intentions were to scare the living bollocks out of the youngest Beatle. With a feathery light tread, Juliet crept down the stairs, avoiding the creaky spots, and Ringo kept George's occupied so he wouldn't suspect any barmy business.

"Aye George, I'm positively knackered after today's sesh. Yer all but gobsmacked." Ringo said with a tenacious tone, the corners of his eyes tracking the young girl as she finally made it behind the youngest Beatle.

In one of George's white button downs and high waisted sailor shorts, she didn't seem at all buggered by the freezing cold weather raging outside.

"Ta, 've got me Jules to keep me chuffed." George said with a hearty chuckle, totally unaware of Juliet's arms closing in on his frame.

"George!" She cried out with a cheeky smile, ensnaring him into a hug from behind. In an instinctive reaction, the reasonably frightened scouse tugged on Juliet's arms and quite literally flipped her onto his lap with a satisfying smack.

Shouting while he performed this inhuman feat, George's eyes and mouth were left open in shock. It took only moments before Ringo and Juliet could erupt into a proper spiral of donkey-like laughter.

Juliet stressed the importance of how absolutely distressed George had looked for those sharp seconds and vowed to never let him live it down.

"Oh I'm sorry, love. I thought it to be quite lively if I'd just drop a clanger over yer head." Juliet said, as she had begun to realize the compromising position she was in.

Seated quite comfortably in George's lap, her legs almost draped over his shoulder, George had gave her an almost indiscernible sly look.

"I must admit, I'm right miffed. But also impressed, love. You are a proper trouble-maker." George said and Ringo chimed in with agreement.

"A rather successful one at that, she'd snuck down those down grotty stairs to give you a decent fright. Well done, Jules." Ringo said in a commendable tone, and got up to fetch himself a Coca Cola from the fridge.

George and Juliet were now alone together, George craning his neck down to meet the level as Juliet's range of sight, his mind boiling with a positively glorious plan of revenge.

"Although you were a proper trickster, I would not feel the least bit satisfied unless I enacted my revenge." George said to Juliet precariously, unfolding his plan easily.

Juliet's arched brows shot up in sudden realization and she made a desperate attempt to clamber off her faux beau and failed. Miserably.

His arms circled around her, trapping her in an embrace-like hold, his hands wandering the length of her body in a spider twitch motion. Tickling her seemed like the path of most success, and he'd glad he'd chosen it.

George was getting quite the smashing reaction out of Juliet. Watching her whole face scrunch up in joy was a moment he'd never be able to forget. The way her eyelashes still managed to brush the apples of her cheeks, her cheeks aglow with a rosy pink tint of life, lips stretched out in a heavenly smile of delight.

He became distracted for a moment, allowing Juliet to regain control over herself and try to escape her trap within George Harrison's arms. Unable to do so, now that she found herself straddling the man, George immediately stopped his tickle assault and took a harsh intake of breath.

" 'ello." She said in her wonderfully melodic Londoner accent, causing George's ears to perk up at the very sound.

George, feeling rather comfortable but in the slightest turned on, met Juliet's stare with unparalleled confidence.

"Comfortable?" He asked with a proud smirk prancing across his lips and Juliet's mouth widened in a half smile/half disbelief look.

"Well if I'd known any better, I'd dare say that you're the kinky Beatle." Juliet said audaciously with a cute giggle.

George's lips spread in a revealing smile, liking the idea of Juliet's deduction.

"Well what am I known as to you future lot?" He asked, feeling Juliet shift around in his lap. George unintentionally groaned at the contact of his crotch, and Juliet noticed this and coyly grinned.

"Quite ironically, the Quiet Beatle."

George rolled his eyes and had a rather insane idea emerge into his head and he proposed it to Juliet.

"Why don't we prove the future wrong then?"

"Why don't we prove the future wrong then?"

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